• Make Yourself Attractive to Your Child

    Parenting is not easy.  I have always said it is the toughest job in the world.  But then when you throw boys into that mix of raising children, it can make for some hair pulling times.           Lately, I’ve really been wanting to see some change in me.  I don’t want to be a fault finding momma but instead one who encourages and supports my children. I’ve been praying and asking God to help me change. I felt one day to watch To Train Up a Child by Michael Pearl. I love his insights into child training. Anyways, I was so inspired by what he had to say concerning raising teenagers. …

  • My Kids Love Doing Chores – How to Make Your Own Chore Board

    That title was a good attention grabber wasn’t it? It’s true. I hardly believe it myself. I keep thinking it will wear off. Do you think it’s possible that it may not?  I don’t know but… until then, I’m thrilllllled.               The first thing Justus and Audrey do in the morning is check out their chore boards. There are some days that they’re more eager than other – I cannot tell a lie. But overall I have kids who are eager to do their chores. Even on Saturdays!  They ask me to give them jobs on Saturday’s, too. Today I’m finally going to share with…

  • How to Motivate Your Kids to Do Their Chores

    Wouldn’t it be a dream if your kids woke up each morning and ran to look at their chore chart to see what they were to do around the house? Well I have recently made chore boards for my kids that pretty much is working that way. I cannot believe how successful this has been with my 9-year-old son and 6-year-old daughter. Let me tell you about it. Do you remember when Choreganizers came out several years ago? It was basically a visual way for your children to do their chores.  Each child has a chart with 5 pockets and you put a chore card (a stack of chore cards come with Choreganizer) that has a picture in each…

  • Kitchen Duties for Children After Mealtime

    No Weekly Review today since not much happened around here last week and therefore, not too many pictures were taken.  I was busy getting some Christmas gifts together that I can’t even tell about because I have to keep them secret.  shhh… So, in lieu of my Weekly Review that I usually do on Monday’s, I thought I would tell you how our family does kitchen chores after each meal.  It works quite well with our family of 6 children. First off I wrote down a list of jobs that needed to be done when each meal was over… clear table put food away wipe off counters sweep floor load dishwasher put food preparatory…

  • Teaching Children to Work

    This week my husband and I watched a video by Michael Pearl called Teaching Responsibility. I am really impressed with his wisdom. I like his practical down-to-earth manner on dealing with children. I know a lot of parents don’t agree with him but I’m not one of them – I really think he has a lot of insight into child rearing. In the video he says children should work with you before they know what work really is. If you wait until they’re old enough to really help you, you are sitting yourself up for grumbling and complaining. Children want to feel needed and enjoy working alongside you. For example,…