Our Family,  Trips We've Made

Canoeing the Pitt River

More trip photos! I hope you’re not too tired of hearing about it just yet. 🙂

After 4 days of travelling we arrived in British Columbia, Canada which was our intended destination from the beginning.

We spent the day with this couple who gave so generously of their time to us and who shared with us many wonderful stories & testimonies of God’s amazing grace & power.

After our time with this delightful couple, we headed for our host’s home.

We would be staying with two special families that we had met when they had visited us here in Arizona.

Eric & Kylie have been to visit several times and they really wanted to show us a good time for the 2 days we would be there with them.  The first night they had a potluck, inviting more people that we knew and had hosted here in our sunny state.  Unfortunately, no good pictures were taken that evening of the group.

Kylie made big points when she served Audrey up this big ice cream cone.

 The next day there was a canoe trip planned on the Pitt River.  Our host, Eric was very organized, canoes were strapped to the vehicles before we ever arrived at their house and the next day we got to the Pitt River 20 minutes ahead of schedule.  What? Early? Unheard of for us. 🙂

British Columbia’s Pitt Riverpitt river


 Our hosts, Eric & Kylie.

It took about 30 minutes of paddling to get to our destination.


My four boys are all the blonde haired ones.

Look at the vegetation. Ferns, water… so very lovely.

pitt river hike

I couldn’t believe the size of this leaf.

large leaf from canada

The hike was lots of fun, according to my kids. It was not a typical trail with lots of guard rails and safe walks. It had slanted bridges, moss covered stairs and everything was wet. Several people wiped out – but I guess that was all part of the fun. I didn’t go on this hike. I haven’t mentioned here on the Treasuring the Moments yet but I tore a calf muscle right before we started this trip (playing racquetball) and it was still healing. Russell stayed behind with me. Ohhh, that was

It started raining after everyone got back from the hike and after our picnic lunch, so we took refuge for a few minutes under the tarp. As soon as there was a break, we headed out.  Later, after we had loaded the canoes and left, we could see there was a major downpour over the mountain. They get so much rain in British Columbia!

With our girls…


Seth, who is now in Manitoba working for the next month. He’s sorting minnows with his cousin. 🙂


The world will never starve for wonder, but only for want of wonder.  – G.K. Chesterson


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