Our Family

Week in Review 2/20/11

The past week there’s been a little art…



a little hairstylin’ going on… (Audrey wanted my hair to look pretty, so she fixed it all up.) 🙂 (Uhhh, hmmm, please ignore the adverb poster that’s falling in the background.  It has now been rehung. 🙂 Oh, and the socks on the floor and… well why don’t you just go ahead and block out the whole background.  Thank you.  I’m much obliged!)



and a great opportunity to hear a mountain man talk…   



where we got to see a beaver skull… (My finger shows where they carry sticks when they’re building their dams. And check out those incisors!))



and saw some containers that would have held beaver scent and a combination of spices to bait the beaver traps with… 



all part of a time in history that never fails to fascinate little boys…


Then there was the night we had a special evening at home, planned by Serenity… 



who ran the concession stand where she served up delicious carmel popcorn…


the treats were all purchased…


and then it was time to watch “The Little Princess”



What you don’t see pictured here is the noise that quite frequently resounds throughout the house.  One of the favorite activities around here are the brothers chasing their little sister so they can give her a tickle melt-down  (usually it’s me that has the melt-down) 🙂  and many other cases of them pestering each other.  Are we normal?  I like to think so.  If not, I think I’d rather not know. lol


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