Our Family

An Unforgettable 50th Birthday Celebration

Just this week I turned the Big 5-0. Half a century old. The Golden Jubilee Birthday. I don’t feel as old as it all sounds and it just seems incredible to think about all the years that are behind me now.

I was spoiled royally this year with 3 different birthday celebrations and even now as I write this, I am on a getaway with my hubby in Sedona. What a blessing to have such thoughtful people in my life that would do these things for me.

I’ve been contemplating writing a letter that someday my children might be given. A letter that expresses the many ways I’ve seen God at work in my life and family. Somehow I just think I need to commemorate this occasion with reflections on the past and maybe even some of the present. Have any of you ever done this? What are your recommendations for a letter like this?

My birthday morning started off with a lovely breakfast with my mother-in-law and sisters-in-laws.

While I was enjoying my breakfast, my daughter Serenity and her fiance Austin were working on a fancy meal for that evening.

Homemade artisan bread

Menus & cute napkin folds and name cards with little sprigs of rosemary tucked in.

The table was moved to the living room for the occasion.
The meal was delectable and ended with Creme Brulee – my favorite! If you’ve never made Creme Brulee, to carmelize the top you either use the broiler or a torch. Pretty strange, eh?
Our chefs for the evening taking a well deserved break before we played a few games which included the Shoe Game. We didn’t win but was almost in last place. My sister and her husband had the honor of being in last place. haha
Our guests for the evening.

Our family sans two of our boys who were gone skiing.

The 3rd birthday celebration was a surprise and it was almost pulled off but in the last few minutes before we arrived at our destination, I started sensing something was very fishy.

My church ladies hosted a birthday brunch the next day. It was so very special and beautifully done.


Isn’t this a cute idea how they took 2 plastic tablecloths and made it look fancy by knotting it at the bottom?
All the glasses were made by one my church friends.
Another friend decorated the cake in one of my favorite colors. It’s so beautiful

Birthday celebrations that I will never forget. It makes me realize once again how we always should try and brighten someone’s day.

And if there happens to be someone among us who has never did that, tried to live for somebody else, give that a try, and just see how much more life holds for you when you will not live for what you can get yourself out of life but what you can give someone else in life. And you’ll find that it’s more blessed than riches or anything of…that can be thought of. Is what you can do for someone else to make life’s burdens…Which, life in itself is a burden. And it will make it a little lighter for someone else. You just don’t know the joy unless you’ve tried it once, to do something for someone else. –William Branham


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