
Practicing the 5 Love Languages

More than likely you have heard of the book The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. In print since 1995, this book has really made an impact in people’s thinking. The book states that there are 5 emotional love languages and that we need to express our love in the language that speaks the most to our spouse, keeping their emotional love tank filled. It’s when their tank starts getting empty that our spouse may feel unloved and problems can start to arise in our relationship.

To refresh your memory, the 5 love languages are:

  • Words of Affirmation
  • Acts of Service
  • Quality Time
  • Gifts
  • Physical Touch

I started wondering what did Bro. Branham have to say about each of these qualities and I went on a search to see what I could find. (if you have never heard of William Branham, you can learn more about this special man of God, by visiting The

Here is only a few that I found. There were so many more examples that could have been used.

Words of Affirmation

I said, “I’m going to call the wife and tell her I’m thankful for her being a nice wife, and all. –W.M. Branham  
Talk nice about one another, say nice things about one another, and then God will bless you. –W.M. Branham

Acts of Service

And now, brethren, this may seem a little funny. It’s not a very good place to say it, but I like to help her wash the dishes, ’cause I know it’s just hard on her to do it all the time. And I just get out there and wash the dishes for her. She don’t say very much, but I know she appreciates it. –W.M. Branham

Quality Time

And mother and father, if we would quit spending money on our children learning tap dancing, and things like that, and some kind of “how to be a actor,” and put more time a pleading the Blood of Jesus up over them, and showing them love and fellowship, we’d get along better. –W.M. Branham

In another place he refers to Adam and Eve walking through Paradise…

Could you imagine how beautiful that was that morning when Adam took Eve by the arm, went walking down through the garden? –W.M. Branham

Sometimes I get away from home. I love my wife and I want to do something for her. And I’ll buy her a box of candy, or something another (You know?), that I just know that she wants me to do it. –W.M. Branham

Physical Touch

God gave man a wife, to comfort him, to touch him. And any man knows, that’s got a good wife, there’s something about a good wife that can. A man be upset in his business or his walks of life, and can come home; no matter, there’s no one, no doctor…

It is that way with me. When I come from overseas or somewhere, and I am so nervous and upset, and loss of sleep and hear the cry, and seeing the little hungry children on the street, and, oh, crying and going on, it just kills me. Then when I come home, if wife will sit down on the arm of the chair, put her arm around me, and say, “Oh, Bill, I understand it, you know.”

And just a few little pats from the wife mean so much… –W.M. Branham

And another quote…

Wouldn’t that be a queen for some little tired evangelist, coming in from the field, wore out, a sweet little wife, put her arms around him, say, ‘Darling, I know you’re tired.’”

You don’t know what that does to you. You do? There’s no one can take the touch of a real sweet wife. –W.M. Branham

And finally, a little more food for thought…

God heals by understanding. God heals by love. Just a little love goes a long way. Let somebody be all upset, and just show them you care for them. See? God heals by love. God heals by prayer. God heals by miracles. God heals by His Word. –W.M. Branham

We can make a choice to love our spouse regardless of what they do but we all still appreciate when any of these 5 ways are expressed to us. It makes life a little sweeter and our journey that much more pleasant.

A person who lives their life for theirself, lives a selfish life. We must live for others… –W.M. Branham



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