Trips We've Made

We Have Arrived in Austria – Part Two of Day 1

We booked our hotel online here in Vienna while in Arizona. After driving around for at least an hour here in Vienna, getting lost and then finding ourselves and then trying to find a park that was reasonably close to our hotel, we parked and started walking. (We’re staying in historic Old Town Vienna).

We were understandably confused when our GPS said we had arrived and there was no sign of a hotel. Finally Russell saw a small sign that said Aviano Boutique Hotel. The “grand opening” was a mere 3′ across and the building itself was sandwiched between two much larger businesses.

Peeking in the door, we were wondering if we were at the right entrance for there were several workers. Dust and debris was everywhere. Apparently the “lift” (elevator) is broken, besides other renovations going on.

Where was the lobby, we wondered? A lady who was standing outside told us to push a button for the intercom. We were told to come up the stairs where we would find the lobby and could register.

Russell standing next to the intercom.

We started up… hauling 2 carry-ons and a backpack. Thankfully we had left our large suitcase in the car!

Every floor had 1-3 workers – with debris. We were in a construction zone! I was just hoping my backpack wouldn’t bump one of them as I went around to catch the next staircase for they were standing next to the hole in the ground – the elevator shaft.

A few floors up – a bell hop met us, insisting on taking our bags. We trudged gallantly on. Finally, our bell hop had to take a rest (I didn’t mind it so much either!) and then we continued on – going up to the 9th floor. We arrived in what they called their “lobby” out of breath and breathing quite hard. It took a few minutes for us to get our wind. (of course, I’m only referring to the bell hop and myself and not Russell at all. haha)

The lobby was an airless, warm and uninspiring little place. We duly checked in and I asked the lady if they had air conditioning. “No, we have fans.” It was too funny. What kind of place had we found?!

Our bell hop led us back down the stairs to the 7th floor where our room was. I was quite impressed with the room after all the other things we had seen!

But 132 steps to get to my room? I counted every single one of them. It’s a workout as you go round and round and round and round, floor by floor. 😓

Russell was very interested in catching a concert and so we did at the Musikverein which was built in 1870 during the reign of Emperor Franz Joseph. The musicians all dressed in period costume and played only Mozart’s compositions. The acoustics were absolutely incredible. I was in awe of how well every sound of the musicians could be heard with such clarity. The opera part of it was not my favorite. But that’s just me – personal preference.

Seats were available below and in the balcony. We sat at the back – saving those $$. 🙂


The craziest coincendence happened.  Here we are sitting in the concert hall with 400-500 other people and lo and behold we got to talking to the ladies behind us and learned they were from Flagstaff, Arizona. On top of that, they knew friends and family of ours! What a fun moment.


I thought these bicycle taxis looked fun.

Returning from the concert last night, there was no lighting going up the stairs, the outside street lights, filtering in the windows, were our only illumination as we once again ascended the 132 steps and as we ascended it got darker. Russell had to pull out his flashlight for a few floors.

Oh, and by the way… I discovered we are right next to a restaurant called Medusa. 😨

And about 8am this morning, Russell woke to what he thought was someone knocking on the door. I told him not to worry, it was just construction workers.



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