Our Family

Special Memories and Moments

Hello my friends. I’m still alive and have even managed to squeeze a little time….

…a very little amount of time

to decluttering. I think I’ve sent off about 4 bags to Goodwill. That felt good but perseverance is key. I must press on! 🙂

Graduations and entertaining have been the norm around here lately.

Fun food idea I saw at my nephew’s graduation party.

I loved what this graduate did. She went around to thrift shops collecting brass decorations and used the items she found as well as succulents as part of her theme…. and all the table runners were made by her. Very cute.


This great display was part of another graduation party.



Our wonderful friends from New York City came to visit…



For several years now we have hosted an after camp luncheon for a youth camp that is held in a nearby town. This year we had several campers staying at the house before camp started. They had themselves a little fun with a bottle of whipped cream.

You place a squirt of whipped cream on your wrist, slap your hand, which causes the whipping cream to fly up and you try and catch it in your mouth….

…if you’re lucky.



We were very blessed the day of the luncheon. The weather was almost perfect and not the scorching temperatures we are experiencing right now!


Appetizer bar


The menu was a burger bar.



And of course we had to follow up with ice cream.


Cornhole was a nice option to offer made by my own Castle Defender, Justus.


There was quite a group that decided they wanted to hike a strenuous hill we have next to our place.


More special friends came by. Some of our best memories in our youth was spent with these two and we’re thankful for their friendship.


And then Father’s Day.

The kids are blessed to have such a wonderful dad and we are very thankful for him. ♥ He’s faithful and fervent to his Saviour, selfless to his family and a great example to us in so many ways. ♥


So many special moments we got to share with others. It’s been a good few weeks. I’m wondering though… do I have enough time to squeeze in a little bit of decluttering before we head out next week for another youth camp? I’m going to try!

I hope you’re summer is going well!

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