Castle Keepers

Castle Keeper End of the Year Party & Pie Auction 2017

Thursday, June 1 marked our 4th annual Castle Keeper End of the Year Party and Pie Auction. What a fun evening we had. The party is to honor the girls who have been a part of Castle Keepers for the year and to raise funds for our club. We want the evening to be meaningful for them so that the girls feel honored and treasured. We are blessed to have such girls as our daughters and we want them to know that.

(CK is for Castle Keepers)

Each year as we start to organize the party, we post a list of things that need to be done and each mother signs up for the responsibility they want to take on. The lady who signs up for the menu, plans the menu and also makes the main dish. The rest of us pitch in and bring the sides.

One of the mothers organized the drinks – lemonade, lemon water, lime water and cucumber water.


The lovely Castle Keeper girls.


A delicious meal of enchiladas, rice, beans and salad was served along with fresh homemade salsa and chips. So yummy!

Some of the beautiful pies made by the CK girls.
The girls make 2 of the same pie – one for the guests to eat and the second one to auction off later in the evening.


We had leftover blocks of wood from when we built the pergola and my husband cut them down to different heights for me. I loved the pie display. It came together so nicely.


There was an Amelia Bedilia skit that the girls did. I only have video of it – no pictures. 🙁 Then we presented the certificates and gifts to the girls.

One of the mothers put together a slide show that showed a sampling of what the girls did this year.

Wesley was our announcer for the pie auction – announcing each girl’s pie as well as announcing who purchased the pie. He did a great job and was very humorous.

Justus, for the 4th year in a row, was our auctioneer. He did sooo good. He’s really learned a lot from his early days. He’s watched some You Tube videos and he’s learned from observing our auctioneer at our 4-H auctions.

Very funny! One buyer wrote this on the pie he purchased.
“Matt’s Pie – Hands Off! – But you can have a bite for $50”

The buyers were such a blessing. Relatives, friends and even those who didn’t know each other purchased pies.

Grandparents with their granddaughter.

Justus likes to purchase a pie every year. This year he bought his cousin’s.

Castle Keeper girls feeling happy.
Ring leaders, the announcer, auctioneer and friends all gathered together.
It was a great evening and with the support of family and friends our club raised over $2,400. We are so thankful for everyone’s generosity.
And just like that, another year of CK has come to an end.
My married son, Zachary wrote a special poem just for the CK girls that we read. In the poem, he references the different challenges and meetings the girls had.


A castle is made of sticks and stone
But only a Castle Keeper can make it a home.
When hunger assails at high noon
they meet it with spatula pan and spoon.
Soon there is spread out upon the table
A sail boat sandwich and maybe a bagel.
And if hunger still lingers and refuses to leave,
Out come the sprouts and a lollipop with leaves.
And if you stumble and get a bump or bruise
CPR and First-Aid they might know how to use.
If your castle needs keeping, food or cheer
They have practiced and worked on it this very year.
Keeping the castle and preparing a banquet
or making a bird feeder and sewing a blanket
Various tasks for a young Castle Keeper,
Some easy, some hard for the young housekeeper.
But through what is done both great and small,
There is a common thread running through it all.
Your honoring God and finding your purpose,
not seeking the world and things that are worthless
So be a Castle Keeper kind and bright
Helping others and living life right.



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