Our Family

Days Slip Into Years – A 14th Birthday

Yesterday Justus turned 14.

Fourteen years ago when he was born we didn’t know what to name him. My husband wanted one name, I wanted another and they were both somewhat similar – Justus or Judah.  So the baby boy went about 4 days to a week without a name.

I would lean over and talk to him in my mommy voice. You know the one I’m talking about – all syrupy and sing-song,  alternating between calling him Justus and Judah hoping I would “feel” it.

Judah felt too harsh and so Justus it was.

He has been a remarkable son. I love his witty sense of humor, his inventors mind, and strong work ethic.


He’s at the gangly age where his limbs are everywhere. He can be pretty loud, too!

His interests are currently:


remote control airplanes



typing (he currently types in the 90wpm range)



Yes, he loves to learn. I am so thankful for that!

(Serenity took Justus & Audrey out for a special breakfast on his birthday.)

Justus, we hope you have a wonderful 14th year!

Love, Mom

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