Decorating,  I Couldn't Help But Laugh

A Fall Mantle, Pumpkins and an Owl

The cooler fall weather has arrived. It’s a lovely time of year and with Thanksgiving around the corner, I’m excited. Family is coming and more family, so it’s going to be quite a time. While I’ll have a lot of family here, two of my boys will be gone. One to Canada for his commercial ice fishing venture and the other to South Africa to work at a big game rehabilitation center where they take injured big game animals and doctor them and try to rehabilitate for release back into the wild. Friends of ours run this center, which is located close to Kruger Park and we visited there many years ago. Now our son will be spending 3 weeks there and I’m sure it will be an amazing time!


Did fall really begin on September 23? I’m a bit late to the game but I did finally get around to getting out my fall storage container with the few decorations that I have. It’s so much fun to decorate for the seasons.

I love my little owl with his little pinecone breast and twigs for where his ears?? should be…

The twigs are random but cute.

owl treasuring the

Kind of like our conversation yesterday….

We were talking about a few of our boys being colorblind.

FALL blocks made by my 12yo son, Justus.

fall treasuring the

They have trouble with seeing the color green.

And we were wondering how much of the world they miss out on.

Toilet paper rolls covered with fabric make a good-looking and easy pumpkin craft.
Made by my 9yo daughter, Audrey.

fabric pumpkins treasuring the

But then from her corner in the back seat, Audrey piped up and in all seriousness said……

“That’s because their third dimension is damaged.”


Wooden pumpkins made by my 17yo daughter, Serenity.DSC_0032

Do I have a genius on my hands? Third dimension and color blindness….

A connection I had never thought of.

fall mantle treasuring the

Twig ears and a third dimensional color blindness issue…

random, but…..

kind of fun.

fall mantle 2015 treasuring the

Is your house Fall ready? Thanksgiving plans in the making?





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