Our Family

He’s Now 10!

IMG_4164 - CopyMy little guy, Justus, is now 10.  Having 6 kids I have learned first-hand that there are no two personalities alike – even in the same family.  They all have their own little twist or bent.  But that is what makes it fun and keeps it interesting.  Of course, along with that comes the challenges.

You think that after a few kids you have this raising kids business down pat.  Uh, huh.  Easy peasy. Sure there are some similarities amongst their own sex.  Boys tend to be quite active and not as refined as the girls and the girls have just a wee bit of interest in their appearance whereas boys not quite so much and girls, of course, are just generally more gentle and soft.

But within those similarities, there are still differences in each one.  Little nuances that separate each of them and cause them to be their own individual.

 My little man, Justus, and also my youngest boy has been a fun one to see how those differences play out.

His own individual but still just as precious, sweet and loveable.

He’s been without a bike for a while because his tires are flat.  Audrey planned it that we should get him tubes for it.  She went around asking each one if they wanted to go in on it. 🙂  As you can tell from his expression, he was quite pleased.

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Justus has an inventor mind.  He’s always telling me ways that products could be improved or giving me better ideas on how we can do things.  And you know what? A lot of his ideas are excellent.  It’s been very interesting to see this innate ability of his and how his mind works to come up with better solutions.


I have to tell a funny story about him.  Once a week, in our homeschool, we do a composer study. Usually we listen to 10 minutes of a recorded biography of the composer and then we listen to 10 minutes of actual music written by our composer.

Walking 4-H pig together - Friends

Well on this particular day, I was trying to hurry things along just a bit and I told the kids they could draw anything they wanted while listening to the biography.


 As Justus heard me, a look of dismay crossed his face as he put his hand across his heart and said,

“But mother, you said to draw from our heart.”

pencil watercolor for art

Apparently, not just any old drawing would work since it wouldn’t be heartfelt.  The look on his face was priceless as he placed his hand over his heart and said, “But mother, you said to draw from the heart.”  🙂


He’s been a joy to our home.

Happy 10th Birthday, my little man.

“A fruit salad is delicious precisely because each fruit maintains its own flavor.”   ―     Sean Covey

“I believe that we are here for each other, not against each other.  Everything comes from an understanding that you are a gift in my life – whoever you are, whatever our differences.” – John Denver

5 of the 6 gifts that God has blessed me with


And here’s the 6th one who will soon be getting married and adding yet another gift into my life.

cello player



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