Our Family,  Trips We've Made

A Wildnerness Retreat When Living in Canada Isn’t Wildnerness Enough

Well, howdy, howdy. How has everyone been doing?  I took another blogging break because this time we took a trip to Ohio to a youth camp. …and we had a marvelous time. But that’s for another time.  I still want to finish posting about our trip to British Columbia, so I better get started, right.

At the end of my last post, I told you we were going to visit a family, who we really didn’t know very well, but after our visit I feel like my family has grown.  Isn’t that the way it is when you’re part of the family of God? The dad is a retired park ranger and of course, a lover of the outdoors.  They took us one day to their cabin that they had built themselves years ago, using old timber from a barn that was on the property.

I loved how it was fixed up with yard sale finds that gave it that old-fashioned, going back in time, touch.

Our gentle hosts… who perhaps have lived in the wilderness too long?



The ladder was incredibly sturdy, (no wobbles!) and was handmade by our hosts many years ago.


I love the old sign with skillet and pot and the 2 wash basins underneath.


The classic pictures that hung on so many walls years ago.




Seth set up his spotting scope and we got to see this beautiful bald eagle.

The views were spectacular!

Canoeing right outside the front door…

Wesley’s Dream Home

The ol’ homestead.

The cabin to the right was their children’s play house, but it has now been converted into another sleeping cabin.

I never found a companion that was so companionable as solitude.–Henry David Thoreau


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