Our Family

An Inexpensive Gift – Apple Baskets

Trees weighted down with apples that are sweet but with a hint of tartness.  Offered for free to anyone who’s willing to pick.  Oh, yes!  You bet I’m interested

I was so thrilled to hear from my cousin about apples that were free for the picking.  So this week our family loaded up and headed for the golf course where the trees are located.  In about an hours time we had over 400 lbs. of apples.

A “sampling” of our bounty.


The best apples are always the ones out of reach, right?

The boys didn’t let that stop them and up they scaled the tree.

Audrey was able to reach a few by herself.

Ever hear of an apple picker?  We learned something that day. A lady offered the use of her apple picker to Seth and we found out that it is twice as fast as hand picking.

Now, what are we going to do with all of these apples? So far we’ve had juice, apple turnovers and a few mysterious balls of half baked dough, doorstoppers and such bread that Zachary created from his own secret recipe. 🙂

I wanted to give all the ladies that brought food and helped out at our potluck on Saturday a little gift.  But what to give them?  Something inexpensive but a little different.  Then I thought of the apples.  Aha!  How about baskets of fresh apples?

How enjoyable this was to put together. I still have another 14 to do.

Hobby Lobby is the place to go. The baskets cost me $1.50 and the apples were free. I purchased the ribbon for a few dollars, too.  I’m hoping the ladies enjoy my small gift of appreciation.

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