Gatherings,  Renovations

Building Our Own Coffee Trailer for Our Daughter’s Wedding Part I

A coffee trailer for our daughter, Serenity’s wedding? It sounded wonderful but when checking into the cost to hire one, we found it was cost prohibitive.

Then we went to see my son one afternoon at a rental he owns and was working on cleaning and fixing up. The tenants had moved out quite hurriedly (actually was hauled off to jail :/), the sister had taken all she wanted leaving the rest for my son to dispose of and guess what just happened to be left behind…? A very run down, falling apart little trailer.

The front of the trailer.

Bells started clanging in Serenity’s head when she saw the trailer. Ding, ding, ding… “this could be your coffee trailer for the wedding.”

Neither her brother or her daddy caught her vision but they promised to keep it for her.

The view of the back of the trailer.
A picture of the refrigerator area on the left.
Everything was falling apart. Windows were broken, exterior walls were flimsy, there was water damage – it was in a sad state.

Russell hauled it out to the house after a few months went by. Believe it or not, before we brought it out to the house we had someone approach us wanting the trailer for themselves!

Wesley sweetly took on the job of fixing up the trailer for Serenity. We were so happy to have someone commit to helping us out. It took Wesley many hours and although he wasn’t able to fix it up like he really wanted (hubby didn’t want to put too much $$$ into it) it still looked so nice when he finally finished up.

There’s our Wesley. What a trooper he was! ♥
The first thing he was did was to gut the trailer – tearing everything out to the walls.
You can see this baby was in BAD shape.
Broken windows…
After gutting the trailer, Wesley then cut the window opening on the side of the trailer to be larger for our serving counter.
Just having the window opening made us so excited!

Part II of the coffee trailer renovation coming…


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