Trips We've Made

Family Vacations & Disc Golfing

Only 43 days till our daughter’s wedding and we are on a family vacation. Yikes! Dear hubby planned it and I’m very thankful for his efforts. It may not be the best timing but we didn’t want to miss our annual family trip that we started doing 2 years ago.

Two years ago we went to Carlsbad Caverns and had quite a few hilarious moments. Last year we visited Colorado but sadly, I never wrote a post about that. On my to-do list though!

This year we traveled to Utah. We ditched the motor home idea after our New Mexico trip since the reality didn’t meet up with the expectations and instead we traveled here in 2 separate vehicles.

What a beautiful day to view Marble Canyon!

Standing on Navajo Bridge, one of only seven places that you can cross the Colorado River for 750 miles.
My boys. How did they grow up so quickly?
Shalom was all about finding every water puddle and jumping in it with all her might. 🙂
There were some interesting signs at the Navajo Bridge stop.
Mmmm, it’s like 400 feet down. I don’t who would attempt that… but maybe.

After several hours of driving we arrived at our vacation rental in Kenab, Utah.

The kids got started on a game and never quit till 2am.

In the meantime, Serenity and I were able to squeeze in a little wedding planning.

After one of our typical slow starts to the day, we headed out the door the next morning for a little disc golf. Russell and I had never played it before but what a good time we had!

Here we are looking like some kind of pros or something.

…and maybe some of us were.

But there’s always that guy (or gal!) that’s just learning and playing disc golf next to the water definitely gives one some challenges.

Steppin’ big.
Diving for a disc golf? We’ve got aim folks, we’ve got aim.

Wesley was our designated diver for the multiple discs that didn’t quite make land.

Four-wheelin’ through the brush.

What a fun activity disc golfing is for the family. I’m definitely good with going again… but I just need to find another willing diver or my own set of scuba diving gear. lol

Have you ever been? How was your aim? haha


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