
A Handy Tip for All Those Small Appliances You Have Grouped Together

My pantry… I’ve posted about it before with all the messy before pictures and the satisfying after pictures but it doesn’t magically stay nice and tidy. For me it’s one of those things that require my attention occasionally.

It just went though a thorough cleaning again. I’m loving the open floor. I was tripping over things. Now, I can actually walk in there and turn around without some type of calamity happening.


This is hard to look at, I know. It’s almost never this bad but it had reached an all time low.


But look! It cleaned up real well. 🙂


My appliance counter before. Just awful!!


And here’s my handy tip I wanted to share. I added a 6-plug outlet to my appliance counter so that all my appliances can be used whenever needed without having to find the end of the cord and plugging it in. Such a little thing but it is really nice to have.

(Kaitlyn, you see that Wallace Wagon Train Outfitters on the wall? I’ve had that since our Pioneer Days. I just can’t seem to let it go. 🙂 )


Several years ago I did an overhaul on my pantry and added some DIY organizers using 2×4’s. They are still working great for me.

treasuring the


You stack them as needed. In my pantry I have a row with nothing and then directly behind that I have 1-2×4 and then behind that I have 2 stacked.

treasuring the

This picture shows how it looks with just 1-2×4.

treasuring the


How’s your pantry looking these days? Is it time for an overhaul or does it stay pretty organized most of the time?

What’s the handiest thing you’ve ever done in your pantry?

One Comment

  • Lucille

    Love the 6 outlet plugs. Have them throughout my home. You know….LOTS of lighting. Ha! Ha! But my appliances probably overload them too. I loved the 2×4’s for pantry. I am going to add that to mine! So nice to see more of the back rows if you’re not collecting as many “of the same” items. Pantry looks great!!!

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