Our Family

7 Tips for Taking Your Grandchildren on an Outing

My husband, being the awesome grandpa and uncle that he is, decided we should take our 2 grandchildren and some of their cousins on an outing.

We live near Out of Africa, a very well-known but privately owned wildlife park, and that’s where we decided to take all the little munchkins.


Shalom was so excited! Unfortunately, Hudson was ill and unable to come. 


They may look oh, so quiet but I can reassure you THEY WERE NOT!!  It was a very noisy but fun ride to our destination!


Shalom and her cousin were quite happy to be together.


Here we come to my first tip.

Tip #1 – Take along plenty of help.

You will be hearing, “I’m hungry.”

“I need to use the bathroom.”

“I’m tired. Can you carry me.”

Having help is also especially helpful when you get to the eatery you choose at the end of the day. 🙂








Tip #2

Let them ride the look-alike animals. Even if they aren’t real they’ll think they’re the best thing ever.






Tip #3

Kids don’t last long when it comes to taking pictures. Call it good when you get something half-way decent.



Tip #4

Don’t leave the snacks the parents packed in the vehicle. The kiddo’s will be much happier if you keep their tummies full.


Tip #5

Hand-on exhibits are the best.


Tip #6

Take them home tired. The parents will be wowed at seeing their quiet child. 🙂


Tip #7

Be sure to thank your husband for being such a great grandpa and thank all your other helpers as well.


Savor the memories. The little ones will be grown before you know it.


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