
Keeping a Clean & Tidy Home

Just a few weeks ago I wrote about making your days count and living well. I love this topic because I believe it is so very important to have a vision for your family – knowing what you want your family life to look like and then to work towards that end.  If you haven’t read that post, I would encourage you to go back and read why you should write down or at the very least have in your mind your ideals of what you desire your family life to look like.

When we have clarity it will affect our day to day and our approach to everything we do or choose not to do.

But today I want to discuss our homes -and specifically housekeeping.

Did I hear a groan? Did your hand move to click out of this post?

Hear me out – especially if keeping your home clean and tidy is a struggle for you. 🙂

I’m not here to shame but instead to encourage us all in the ‘why’ of what we do and the importance of it. I need this encouragement myself!

What are some possible reasons we might use to procrastinate cleaning our homes?
  • it’s going to get dirty again, why bother?
  • we don’t know where to start
  • we’re too busy
  • we dislike cleaning – period!

Did I miss any? Let me know if you think of other reasons we tend to procrastinate.

Homemaking is a very important job and you are the CEO

Who doesn’t want to feel important or at least do some important work in their lifetime? We all desire to be significant in some way in this life we live.

As a homemaker you are in a very important position.

I’m sure you have heard of chief executive officers? A CEO (chief executive officer) is the highest ranking person in a company or institution who makes all the decisions regarding the managing of the company. CEO’s set the tone and the vision for their organization. (taken from Investopedia)

That’s you, ladies. You are the manager of your home, the CEO if you will. Without you the home would not be the same. Think of all you do – cooking, cleaning, loving on those babies of yours, teaching them… what if you weren’t there? How would things look then?

At my house, things would look a whole lot different!

It baffles me that someone (i.e. women who seek a career outside of the home) can go to a job 5 days a weeks 8 hours or more a day and think they are accomplishing something more important than what a mother does for her family.

Home is the center of everything.

Without mothers to nurture and care for their families, we would live in a cold and dreary world.

You are important!

But sometimes we fall into the not caring what our homes look like. We procrastinate on the cleaning of it, listing any one of the reasons written above to justify ourselves.

Granted, there are times in our life that we can’t keep a picked up and clean home. Life does get busy, you may be ill or if you have small children, it can be almost impossible. We want to be able to live in our homes without feeling the guilt that it’s not perfect. We want our families to feel at home.

Your standard’s may be different than mine.

Everyone has their own set of standards when it comes to keeping their house clean. Some may clean daily, others weekly, etc.

But ladies, when our homes become so neglected that there’s no clean laundry, piles of laundry laying around waiting to be folded, beds unmade, clothing strewn across the floor, garbage’s overflowing, bathrooms needing some attention, furniture that hasn’t been dusted in weeks, maybe we have let down the bar.

Maybe we aren’t appreciating the homes God has given us and take it too much for granted. Be it a very fine home or the humblest abode your home can be a sanctuary from the outside world. A place of rest and comfort for those who live within. But when everything is in disarray, it’s hard to feel settled.

Maybe we’ve lost our vision?

I have at times in my married life became careless with how I kept my home. But oh, when I get back on track it feels so good!

What is your vision for your home? Define what a clean and orderly home would look like for you at this point and time in your life. We’re all in different seasons and so the vision I have for my home may look different than yours and that’s okay. Guilt is never a very great motivator, so there’s no shame if your home is different than your mom’s or your friends But we do want our homes to be functional and for all those who are under our roof to have that breathing space that only a tidy home can give.

Once you know what you want your home to look like in this season, think about it regularly. If you keep it in the forefront of your mind, your mind will work towards figuring out solutions for any problems that would hinder your vision.

As you see the difference you make in your home (remember to be realistic in your goals for the season of life you are in), you will so enjoy the fruits of your labor that you will be inspired to continue.

Being a homemaker is an honorable position. Be the best you can be.

Do you have any tips to share about your home routine?

I’d love to hear your thoughts about this post.


Joining up at the

Hearth & Home Party






  • Lucille

    Love this inspirational reminder. To me nothing is more fun than making your house a home and keeping it tidy and waiting on others. I can never get enough of it and so thankful that my first calling is so much fun for me! Its a great reminder to know what others may think so insignificant is really of most importance. Our job really is the glue of a good life and keeping it all together. Loved getting to see you again and wished we could have had a few hours to fully “catch up” again.

    • Elisabeth

      You are a real example of a Proverbs 31 woman. You have always did an amazing job of keeping your home and showing hospitality. If I could be half the lady you are… Loved seeing you, too!

I love hearing from you! Thank you for taking the time to comment.