Entrepreneurs,  Gatherings,  Inspirational

Getting Ready for an Arizona Wedding Reception

The newlyweds have arrived in Arizona!  They’ve left the cold, chill and frozen ice  of Canada and have traded it for a month of sunshine.

The cabin (VRBO) will be their abode and our second guests!

Welcome to the cabin – a cozy 1 bedroom retreat in the country.


My husband built the barn doors and installed them. There are two barn doors. Both openings into the bedroom can be closed off with the sliding doors.

The kitchen sink, counter and bottom cabinets still need to be built and installed. (I think that will be next week.)

It’s such a nice comfortable place! (Click on this link to see more interior pictures.)

We’re having an Arizona wedding reception for them tomorrow so plenty of preparation has been happening. I was so grateful for the help of some of my church family this week.  What a blessing they were to come out to the ranch and assist in whatever I needed.


There are times when you’re just so blessed by the kindness of others and this was one of those times. They took their day and gave it to me and you know what? I think they thought it was fun. haha Isn’t that the sweetest?

I have an Uncle (not really my uncle but we call him that) who is always doing things for others and he even organizes groups of men  to go help others in need (with their roof, etc). He calls it “washing feet”.  That thought comes from Jesus washing his disciples feet in the Scriptures, and His telling us to wash one another’s feet.  Not only are we to wash each others feet in deed but in our daily actions by serving others.

And that’s what these lovely ladies did for me.


God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7). I know this is referring to money but I think it can apply to this, too. 🙂


And I realize, as I serve His people, I’m serving God. –William Branham
And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. –Matthew 25:40




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