• Getting Ready for an Arizona Wedding Reception

    The newlyweds have arrived in Arizona!  They’ve left the cold, chill and frozen ice  of Canada and have traded it for a month of sunshine. The cabin (VRBO) will be their abode and our second guests! Welcome to the cabin – a cozy 1 bedroom retreat in the country.   My husband built the barn doors and installed them. There are two barn doors. Both openings into the bedroom can be closed off with the sliding doors. The kitchen sink, counter and bottom cabinets still need to be built and installed. (I think that will be next week.) It’s such a nice comfortable place! (Click on this link to see…

  • One Young Man’s Venture into Rental Properties

    In our family we have rental properties. Although it may sound glamorous, we don’t always buy the typical places that some would think of when considering a rental. We most often buy fixer uppers. Recently, my 21 year old son, Wesley purchased his very first fixer upper. What a Really Bad Fixer Upper Can Look Like The pictures I am going to show you are horrible, disgusting and totally uninspiring to those who might think they want to get into the rental market. I am not over exaggerating the case but this is probably just about the worst fixer upper we have ever bought. Sometimes your children can make a…

  • Making Progress on the Cabin (VRBO)

    Just a quick update on the VRBO. My parents arrived last night so we’ll be busy doing all the last minute preparations that have to be done. The cabin will be livable but not complete finished when everyone is here. But it’s lookin’ good! The bathroom wall is now up. The bathroom wall behind the tub looks so pretty but unfortunately that will be covered once the tub sides go in. A loft that can be used for storage. Windows and doors are some of the big things that need to be done this week. And that’s the update for now.

  • My Young Entrepreneur’s

    I mentioned on my Thanksgiving post of a little cabin we are building. Here is the story. Several months ago Audrey was inspired to have her own vacation rental by owner. She had been to see her cousins and one of them had taken a rental that they rented monthly and turned it into a vacation rental. Audrey mentioned it to her daddy and he thought it was a good idea, so the brain started spinning with possibilities and the idea was born. We live away from town and neighbors. As a matter-of-fact our nearest neighbor is 3 miles away. A cabin could be built next door, capitalizing on the gorgeous view and…