Trips We've Made

Country Roads Take Me Home

And here’s the final post wrapping up our recent trip to Canada for my son’s wedding to the “rancher’s daughter” in Canada where they drive on frozen lakes, have bonfires on the ice and do ice fishing for sport and profit.

If you think that all sounds fun, you are right. It is lots of fun.

Other than the fishing. I wouldn’t know anything about it…


Except that it is fun to see how it is done.

(after drilling through the 3′ thick ice, the gill net is pulled up from the ice)

ice fishing Canada


And especially when the person showing you is a true fisherman who enjoys it to the max and is descended from a line of fisherman from the Faroe Islands.

After having a surprise experience at a sheep farm, we were on the road back to the USA.

I’m not sure how it happened (GPS’s fault) but we ended up taking so many back roads. It was a good thing we weren’t hungry because it would have been pointless since there wasn’t anything to eat along the way. The trade off was it was quite beautiful and in the end, we were rather happy that we had taken this route.

In South Dakota we crossed over a dam, which I cannot recall the name of, whose lake was so beautiful. There were floes on top of the water and in other areas just the water.


ice floes South Dakota


Bald eagles were spotted sitting on the edge of the ice.

ice floes South Dakota


…and another bald eagle

ice floes South Dakota


We stopped to take a group picture by a farmhouse in South Dakota.

south dakota farmhouse

South Dakota family picture

Nebraska was equally lovely. There were rolling hills and lots of cattle grazing. I never thought Nebraska would be so pretty. Plenty of farming going on there, too.

How’d we do this trip on keeping the gas tank filled up? (We seem to have developed the bad habit of not paying attention to our gas gauge… like this trip.)

Welllll, we only ran out of gas one time! And this time it wasn’t even my husband’s fault. It was Wesley’s who was driving another vehicle down from Canada. Thankfully we were only 2 miles from the nearest gas station, so we didn’t lose a lot of time.


this trip we did something we’ve never done before….

driving off with the gas pump


Driving through the mountain passes of Colorado at 2 am in the morning, Wesley drove off with the gas pump still in his gas tank!

After another motorist flagged him down letting him know he had an 8 foot piece of gas line whipping around, Wesley had the most humbling experience of returning to the gas station to hand them a gas pump.

The attendant must be used to it or else it was so early in the morning, he could have cared less because all he said was, Just sit it alongside the wall.”

That scenario? Well, it was good for quite a few laughs.

“Oh, Wesley!”

And then after driving through the night we crossed over into our beloved state of Arizona, thankful that we had had a safe journey to and from Canada.

Arizona border


  • Lucille

    Loved it! Well, experiences aren’t always so fun but the lessons and laughs are there to treasure. Where was that last photo taken in AZ? Glad you’re all home safe and sound. Love all of you!

  • Kaitlyn

    All the postings from your trip were great!
    -The wedding looked lovely, congratulations to Seth and Jessica!
    -I never knew you could use a dog for a mouse problem instead of cats…that was interesting.
    -Driving across a frozen lake, wow! I guess knowing the ice is so thick helps a little, don’t know if I would have the nerve to do it though!
    -What’s a road trip without running out of gas?! Thanks for the laugh, Wesley! Glad you all made it safely home.

    • Elisabeth

      Thanks, Abigail. Yes, most of our trip pictures I’m not in. Sometimes I have someone else take them just so that my kids won’t forget that they did have a mom that went on the trips, too. haha

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