Craft Corner,  Decorating

My Pantry Has a Name

It’s been almost 4 months since I asked for suggestions on what to name my new pantry. And after all this time I did decide on a name!

Butler’s Pantry

In yesteryears, the Butler’s Pantry was a place to store silverware and other kitchen items that were not edible.

Although I loved so many of the suggestions that it was actually hard to choose one, I ended up picking Butler’s Pantry because I found it easiest to say when I was directing someone to go and get an item from there. It just seemed to slip out so easily.

I finally got around to painting the name on the door the other day. I wish now I had did it different. I would have purchased a decal with the name Butler’s Pantry from Etsy.

I made a stencil using my Silhouette Cameo. That worked great but maybe I should have used a cardstock adhesive because when I placed it on the door, I couldn’t get it to totally lay flat so overspray would get under the letters and caused my letters not to be crisp.

butler's pantry treasuring the

In between the words “Butler’s Pantry” I painted a covered serving dish.

butler's pantry treasuring the

Sometimes your results aren’t what you were really wanting and this is one of those times. But all these projects are learning experiences for me which is very valuable in its own way. butler's pantry treasuring the

One of the benefits is now none of my kitchen helpers will lose their way and stand and wonder in front of the several doors we have, “Just where is that Butler’s Pantry” when I send them downstairs. 🙂



  • Lily

    I like it! Especially since I’ve been there and know how it feels to not know which door is the “Butler’s Pantry”! (Maybe you should name and paint the guest suite on the appropriate door, as well. Or maybe, I should just pay closer attention.) 😉

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