Castle Keepers

Showing Appreciation to Those Around You

Who doesn’t enjoy being told that they are appreciated, that their life has influenced another? We all enjoy that but how often do we express to others what they have meant to us?

I know I’m certainly remiss in this but since November’s monthly challenge for our Castle Keeper girls was appreciation, I have been considering it quite a bit.


What if, for no reason at all, we blessed others with small food items (especially the elderly), gave cards to people expressing to them how they have blessed you, or just did random acts of kindness for others?

Not only would they be blessed but I’m sure we would be, too, and wouldn’t it just make them and us both feel like the sun was shining just a bit brighter? 🙂

This month the challenge given to our Castle Keepers was this.

Write a note or give a card to TWO people that have meant something to you in your life. Let them know that you appreciate them and that you are thankful for them.

Make them something. It could be as simple as nut bread or cookies but it doesn’t have to be something you bake. Give it to them along with your note or card.

Two Stipulations – it cannot be someone in your immediate family  and it cannot be a fellow CK (Castle Keeper).


Serenity chose two different individuals that have only been attending our church for a little over a year.  Bro. Burt was sick the day Serenity came to church with his Tortilla Soup, so she took it to his house. He is having some health problems lately and I’m sure it must have meant so much to him that he has influenced another life. Sis. Edith, who was raised in the Amish community has blessed Serenity with her sweetness. She is one precious lady!

appreciation 1

Audrey chose our pastor and his wife. She appreciates our pastors positive attitude and thinks he’s a good preacher(!) 🙂 and she appreciates his wife’s hugs and kisses and how she thinks of others.  She’s also thankful for Sis. Laura’s hugs and how she thinks of others.

appreciation 2

It has been so fun seeing each of the Castle Keeper girls put together a gift and then blessing someone else with their gift and words of appreciation.

Just see how much more life holds for you when you will not live for what you can get yourself out of life but what you can give someone else in life. –William Branham


And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. –Matthew 25:40


Of course, these things take time and effort to do but could we not act on it at least a few times throughout the year? I know I’m placing a challenge out there for all of you, but I’m really speaking to myself as well.


Let’s be known for sharing cheer and encouragement. Be guilty of doing random acts of kindness.


Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile. –Albert Einstein


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