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Good Times with Family

Thanksgiving 2013 has come and gone but the memories we do have remind us of how wonderful it is to have family and friends.  I am so thankful for God’s hand in my life and my family.  I am also so thankful for the family of God and that includes YOU!

Thanksgiving this year was at my big sis’s house.

Thanksgiving outdoors? Yes! It truly was warm enough.


thanksgiving 2013 1

Our Thankful Tree even showed up.


 My niece made homemade marshmallows.  In the past I’ve wondered how they could be that different from packaged ones from the store but they really are! They are SO much better. Really good!thanksgiving desserts

…but still very sticky. 🙂


A new idea we tried this year was a Thanksgiving trivia quiz.  I found one online that I could use but next time I might have to make up my own questions.


The winner was Wesley and the others came in second.  What do you do when you plan last minute for a gift?  Why you give them something you have around the house – so they received a bag of my homemade granola as their prize. 🙂


The girls had a good time setting up a facial spa one night while the rest of us were getting our “beauty rest”.


And a good time was had by all.


Thank you to each one that are faithful readers, commenters and encouragers.  I wish you all kept blogs so that I could keep up with your happenings but until then… Thank you from me.

Love you,



  • JS

    Back again! 😉 Like Anna, I too like the picture of Justus and Audrey. What a treasure! So happy and grateful to share a day of Thanksgiving with you all! Once again, your apple pie was incredible! Yum! 🙂

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