Our Family

Back from His Wilderness Adventure – My Son is Home!

Guess who’s back???


Yep, Seth is back… for a short while before he leaves on another work adventure. We got to look at his pictures – all 358 of them and it’s going to be hard narrowing them down for this post since there were so many magnificent scenery shots.

He celebrated his 23rd birthday just before he left Canada for Arizona.ย  Another mom made his day special by baking and decorating him a cake.ย  Thanks, Sis. Vickie.

Seth's 23rd birthday

ย Seth was all the way in Toad River, BC, 2,500 miles away from home.

toad river bc

To get to the area that he and his cousin would be guiding in, they trailed in with pack horses for 3 days.

Along the way, they stayed in this empty cabin.

Seth’s bed was perched right above another one and was only being held in place by very small pieces of wood and the plywood was bowing.ย  He was a little worried he’d be smashing his Uncle Paul who was sleeping right below. ๐Ÿ™‚

There are so many gorgeous scenery shots that I just can’t narrow it to a few.

ย 057 Seth Summer 2013 Guiding 058

The cabin where Seth’s cousin, Nathan (who was a guide also), along with his wife and 3 children stayed for 2 months.

The entire cabin is only 11×12. Kitchen & bedroom all in one.

The outfitters tent where Seth slept as well as the hunters who flew in.ย  Although Seth & Nathan rode horses in and brought pack horses with supplies, all the hunters were flown in for their hunt and then also flown out.

The way laundry is done in the bush…

How showers are taken…

bush shower set-up Seth Summer 2013 Guiding 092

At least they were able to warm up the water before pouring it into the container.ย  But you didn’t want to get it too hot like Seth did on one occasion.ย  He had the nozzle turned to allow the barest trickle and it was still scorching to the skin.ย  While that small patch of skin was getting roasted the rest of him was getting chilled. ๐Ÿ™‚

Seth Summer 2013 Guiding 093

Great view from the outhouse, I’m sure. ๐Ÿ™‚

A real live porcupine.

Here are a few pictures of some of the hunts where Seth was the guide.

moose hunt

This was a film crew for a television station one of the men owned. I believe they were filming the owners daughter’s hunt.

Showing the difference between mountain goat and moose horns.

While there in the bush, Seth saw grizzly bear, elk, moose, mountain goat, Stone sheep, caribou, wolves, marmots, and porcupines. ๐Ÿ™‚

There was plenty of water.ย  Streams, waterfalls & glaciers.

They even had snow twice.



Gorgeous Blue Lake


When packing out there is one area they have to go down that is all rock and it’s steep.ย  They broke some dirt off and spread it around on the shelf of rock but this horse, Sven, skirted it.ย  When he did, he took a tumble down the side of the mountain.ย  Thinking he would have a broken neck or leg and they would have to shoot him, they were quite happy to see the horse had survived with only a severe nose bleed. And he still had on his pack!


This is Tonka, the horse Seth rode most of the time.


Somewhere in British Columbia he found a place named Whiskers Point.ย  Wonder what trapper/hunter inspired this name? ๐Ÿ™‚ 319

Hope you enjoyed this little trip into the bush. ๐Ÿ™‚


  • Joane

    These pictures are just great! If I were to comment on each one, I would be writing chapters. These are sooo awesome! No wonder he keeps disappearing, I would too! This is a dream (come true for him – I’m jealous) I want to see ALL the pictures! I have to say… I love his beard! and I hope he still has it so Army can see it.

    • Elisabeth

      You love his beard??? I’ve got to talk to you about that. lol Armando might be able to see it but I know he’s planning on trimming it soon. This is how it looks when you don’t shave for over 2 months!

      I agree. The scenery is incredible!

      • Eric Hasten

        If you’re looking for a nice electric shaver we wrote a great top ten list ๐Ÿ™‚ just incase you’re interested (makes a great gift as well)

        Very nice article by the way! What an adventurous life!

  • Mary

    Wow what an adventure for him! I must say I admire that family staying in that tiny cabin for 2 months but some days I think I wouldn’t mind. :). Beautiful country!

    • Elisabeth

      I’m amazed that Amy can handle staying in that tiny cabin with 3 kids. Whenever she’s outside (which is a lot, I think) she carries a shotgun around because you never know if a bear might come around. She’s someone to ride the river with as the saying goes!

  • Lucille

    Wow, wow, wow! Enjoyed every photo. I too was impressed with living in the cabin for that long and with kiddies. The views were amazing though and what an experience. Loved every photo!!!

  • Cliff

    Great photos, absolutely spectacular! The hunting looked pretty darn good too, and Seth must be a really good guide ๐Ÿ˜‰
    I wish every young man interested in the outdoors could get to experience a trek like this.

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