Our Family

Can a 20 Year Old Young Man Work Full-Time and Still Cook? Find Out

What a great visit we had this weekend with Zachary, family and friends.

Zach’s surviving very well the bachelor life.  He’s living in our travel trailer on his own and makes himself supper almost every single night.

No, it’s not Campbell’s Soup or Ramen Noodles, but real food!  He’s actually using the Internet to find recipes online.  He gets it all going in the Crock Pot and off to work he goes.  I tasted some of his leftovers and it was good stuff.

His go-to spot on the internet is Recipes.com.

This is the TEAM that he works with (his 2 cousins on the left, then his boss and then Zach himself).

I just loved watching them all pull into the yard, in 4 different vehicles where they have their work trailers.  They were coming to meet us and they came flying in amidst clouds of dust, bouncing a little as they hit some bumps all with big smiles on their faces as they braked to a stop.

Here’s one of my fantastic nephews, Austin.


Zach took us on a little tour of the fort which was quite interesting to me.


 That evening (Friday night) Martha made us homemade pizza of which I have no pictures.  Oh, no!  I just realized I didn’t get any pictures of my adorable great-niece, Lydia.  You’ll just have to imagine a little girl with brown hair, big brown eyes and the sweetest disposition.

Saturday and Sunday was spent with some lovely people and I was thoroughly inspired by this family’s agricultural ventures.

Ahhh, take a look at this.  Isn’t this just great?

(A little glimpse into their greenhouse using the square foot gardening method.)


 Thank you everyone for a wonderful weekend!  It will not be soon forgotten.


  • Anna

    Sounds like you had a nice visit. 🙂 I’m suprised at Zach’s cooking…when you hear the word “bachelor” that’s not one of the things that comes to mind. 😀

    • Elisabeth

      lol I’m impressed myself, Anna. Out of all my boys, he’s always been the one that enjoyed being in the kitchen concocting new things.

          • Elisabeth

            Nothing that dramatic, but it was the most interesting experiment. We were making applesauce and he hated to throw away the pulp, so he figured he could make bread out of it. It was a moist bread but each loaf weighed A LOT. It would have made a great doorstopper. We did eat on it some, kept it in the freezer more and then unfortunately, the day came when we needed the room for other things, so we had to let something go and it just happened to be the Apple Pulp Bread. 🙁

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