Our Family

Family Life Updates 6/13 – 6/19/11

Zachary is finally on the mend!  On Monday we took him to the doctor after he’d been running a fever for a week and having a cough that sounded like bronchitis.  The doctor’s dianosis was that he had either acute bronchitis or pneumonia and then he prescribed some antibiotics.

Zachary has finally started to eat.  He lost 17 pounds altogether and I’m sure this contributed to the next challenge he started experiencing – dehydration.  His muscles in every part of his body started to cramp up on him and cause him quite a bit of discomfort.  We started giving him salt and water and also found a recipe online for a healthy homemade Gatorade substitute.

I also gave him a good massage using some oil with essential oils mixed in and he had the best nights rest that he’s had in quite awhile.  

Always one to approach life with humor, Zachary, sitting at the table getting ready to make himself eat, looked at the pill the doctor gave him and said, “I’m really looking forward to dinner tonight.”

In a few days we leave for the Youth Camp in Ohio.  Some of our past trips I wrote about here and here and if you want to see even more photos go here and here.

Seth will be staying back there for the summer putting on metal roofs so we wanted to do something special with the family before he left.

So, we took 2 quads and an Arctic Cat and headed for a town on top of a mountain called Crown King.

We saw some beautiful country, rugged mountains and then we also passed a couple of quaint little towns…

that were charming in their own way.

On the way back (25 miles of dirt, yes, we were quite dusty!) we had some problems with one of the quads.  I have learned to always take something to read with me wherever I go.  🙂  In case you’re wondering, the magazine is “Countryside”.

Happy Father’s Day to my guy.

Who is a delightful father to this brood of ours…


  • Joane

    I LOVE the picture of you kicked back in the back of the side by side – or whatever they’re called. And Zachary CRACKS me up as always! Armando says that Seth has to be back by October hunting camp. Oh yes! Were you going to be sharing that Gatorade sub recipe with all of us? Does it taste good??

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