Our Family

Family Life Updates 5/16/11 – 5/28/11

It’s Memorial Day weekend and I want to say thank you to all of those who have served in our military either in the past or now. We appreciate your sacrifice and the sacrifice of your families.  

memorial day

Life has been kind of quiet around here.  A kind of lull before I have to really get to work.  There’s a young lady at our church who has asked me to cater her reception in July, so I’ve been doing lots of thinking about that and writing down any thoughts in my planner.

Current Projects Planner


 Zachary, my 2nd oldest, is graduating from our homeschool high school in August and I am planning a big to-do for that and writing down all my thoughts in that planner book I just showed you a picture of.  Sometime I may even have to show you how I use my planner, if you’re interested.

My sister, that you read about in this post, will be flying to Arizona to help me with this momentous occasion.  She may be fearsome <wink> but she’s absolutely awesome to work alongside.  She is a natural at serving large groups and can make things happen all while being calm, cool and collected.  We are a great team.  At least I like to think so.  Maybe we shouldn’t ask her what she thinks.  Let’s just let this be between me and you.  Okay?

Mooovin’ on…

We have been to 3 graduations in the last week-and-a-half.  Lots of fun.  I really like going to graduations.  It’s a great accomplishment and I just like being there letting them know I support them.

I made some homemade laundry detergent this week.  Find the recipe here.  It’s such an easy thing to make but saves mucho bucks.

Homemade Laundry Detergent

Audrey and I planted some herb seeds.  So far nothing has come up but I’ve still got my fingers crossed. 🙂

Audrey and me planting herb seeds.

We got a hummingbird feeder a few weeks ago and placed it outside the kitchen window where I wash dishes.  Within an hour we had hummingbirds coming to it.  The kids are really enjoying it and I am too!

hummingbird at the feeder

That about wraps up the week. 

Have a wonderful day with your family,


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