
The BEST Honey Mustard Salad Dressing

A lot of work and time has gone into this garden.

lettuce garden

  Zachary did all the work and we are very appreciative of his labors.

my son

Plenty of lettuce for a nutritous, enzyme filled green salad with…lettuce from the garden

Honey Mustard salad dressing on top.  It is soooo good!!  I would really love to share this recipe but my sister would come after me since it’s a Family Secret.

Honey Mustard Salad Dressing

Don’t be fooled by her beautiful, bright smile…

…there’s that other side of her.  Miss Karate Woman.  Fearsome!  Absolutely fearsome!

So maybe if you’re really lucky you can find a Honey Mustard dressing out there in Recipe land.  Try it and you may find that it will become your new favorite salad dressing and the family secret will be safe.  

Linking up with Farm Girl Friday, Farm Friend Friday, Paisley Passions and Foodie Friday.


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