Our Family

Week in Review 4/10 – 4/16/11

Most people are amazed that chicks can be shipped through the mail but how about bees?  Zachary ordered 20,000 of them and has officially become a beekeeper.  I’ll show you more in a future post.

This is half of the bees.

Zachary & all his assistants.

With a visit to Tucson this week I was able to see for the first time my new little grand niece. She is so precious and adorable.

Can’t you tell? 🙂

We had a celebration of wedding anniversaries while there – ours is this Friday (22 years) and my sister’s is Sunday (30 years). My good friend, Tina, hosted a dinner in her backyard and our wonderful offspring served us a most delectable meal.

The service was great.

After an afternoon of labor, the metal roofing for this carport was completed…

and we had a delightful “pineapple luau” (dubbed this affectionately by me). Not only did Martha prepare this delicious meal, she is the mother of my grand niece, Lydia.  Thanks, Martha.  It’s nice having you in the family.

Have a wonderful week and look for a post on the bees coming up.

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