Our Family

Skiing Arizona in March

What a wonderful few days we spent this week in the high country of Arizona.  There is a ski resort, ran by Apaches, that is still open for business although the snow was icy in parts and slushy in others.  Optimum snow it was not but we had a good time anyways!  I figure if everyone could ski on that snow they would be incredible on decent snow.

There was quite a group of us and we got in under a school rate.  A great price for ski rentals, lift ticket & condo made us all very happy skiers. 🙂

Here we’re standing in front of the condo. It was very nice accommodations – owned by Wyndham. Audrey and I didn’t go skiing on Thursday since we thought that she would be tired after two days. It had nothing to do with me getting tired. Really. I promise. You don’t believe me? Okay, okay think what you want. 🙂


I had to get a picture of Justus’s sunglasses.  The first day he skied he somehow managed to break one arm of his sunglasses off and so Russell had to rig this up.  We’re country.  (you didn’t already know that did you?)


Justus’s glasses were half cocked all day.  I hope you can tell from this picture.  So hilarious.


We were a motley crew the whole way, taking up the center aisle of the parking lot with absolutely no concern.  Of course, no cars were leaving since the ski day was just beginning so I guess it didn’t really matter.



Some of us looked quite fashionable…P1510004


but then there were… Hey!  Wait a minute!  Did this guy crash the party or is he one of ours????Wesley


There were a variety of streamers the boys tied on their  backs so they could identify each other while on the slopes.  Great idea by the way.  We girls didn’t need these since our skirts set us apart just fine.P1500997


Love these streamers – CAUTION & DANGER (This was Justus’s first time to ski.)



And we’re ready to go!  And go these kids did.  Every time I’d see one of them they were headed down the mountain as fast as they could go.  Notice Zachary with the helmet.  If anyone needs one, he does since he’s my CrAzY boy when it comes to life.  As it was, he did injure one shoulder while doing a jump on his snowboard.  Seth had to go and be a boy and try some jumps, too.  One of the others in our group got a great video but since I don’t have it, I’ll have to tell you about it.  Seth was on skis and did two jumps right in a row and landed.  WooHoo!  Of course, that was after he had crashed the first two times. 🙁  After our day was done, I thanked the Lord repeatedly that no one in our group was seriously hurt.P1510035


Now Audrey surprised us all.  It was her 1st time to ski but after only about 20 minutes she had it figured out.  She skiied  by herself  (what I really meant to say was) without any help almost the entire day.  She was even making the turns correctly.  Forget about her getting tired – she loved it.  She did marvelous all day long and then on our very last run, when we were in sight of the ski resort, she fell and scratched up her face.  Poor little thing.  What a way to end the day.P1510058


See you later!P1510082


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