Our Family

The Week in Review 8-8-10

Rocket building – a father/son project… or was it more a father project with the son observing?

I thought you all might enjoy seeing a peek into our used book business.  We sell online and of course, we have to store all those books somewhere.  They have now taken over our basement.  The shelves were built just for the books so we are able to organize and locate them quickly when we list and subsequently, when we sell them.



When we built our home 14 years ago, we had to use 120 sticks of dynamite to blast out our living site. It was solid rock as evidenced by this picture. A rock solid foundation. :) Where Russell is standing we had a shelf to store various things. Slowly all our storage has been banished to the garage. The books rule and get first dibs on the basement.


Now in front of the rock in the previous picture, these bookshelves stand and will be filled very quickly with more books!

The kids have been having great fun digging the sand out around the trampoline.




Their plans are to dig out the area so the trampoline is level with the ground. I think this will keep them occupied for many a day/months/years! :)

Have a wonderful week, friends.

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