Homeschool Convention Notes,  Homeschooling

Additional Thoughts on Teaching the Right Brain Child

Some more thoughts came to me since I wrote Tuesday’s post on Teaching the Right Brain Child that I felt might be beneficial to add.

Right brain thinkers begin to feel dumb if they continue to have difficulties throughout their school years.  Most textbooks (if not all) are written for left brain thinkers so it will take some searching to find books that you can use for your homeschooling adventure that will work for the right brain child who struggles.  Dianne says, “They love it when you show them how to learn so that things stick instead of slip.  Help them get in touch with the smart part of themselves.  When you learn to ‘teach to their strength’, they shine in home schooling.” 

What can I add to that?  That’s beautifully spoken and good advice for any type of student.  I’ve always been a proponent of working with your child and his abilities/interests and the way he learns.  Sure we can follow a standardized curriculum and it may work for your child but what about those children that learn differently?  We stress ourselves by trying to produce cookie cutter children when each one is an individual.  I know because I struggle with this myself.  I’m learning to not only believe this in theory but to practice it.

Textbooks are geared to help a teacher keep a class together and to make grading easier.  But how many of us today still pick up our textbooks for a good read.  No!  We go find a good book, written by someone who knows, loves and is passionate about their subject.  I think left brain thinkers would gain more from reading these kinds of books (living books) as well, instead of short snippets in textbooks.

I have definite feelings about this subject – can you tell? 🙂  My intention is not to offend but just to share another viewpoint that is not as often heard as the “traditional” avenue of schooling.

Just a note… Your child may learn better by doing things hands on or he may be an auditory learner.  Teach him the way he learns best but the child who struggles even when being taught to his strengths will still need to have the additional help that Dianne talks about. 

At Dianne’s workshop she gave us scenarios of children that were pretty bad cases – like the 15 year old that came to see her and still was unable to spell his last name.   She then would say, “Now, not every child will be like this but there are some.  These kids can be helped.  It may take a little longer than some but they can be helped.”  She was completely calm about it and very sure in her statement.  What hope she gave to those of us that have struggling learners. 

As I mentioned in my previous post, I would really recommend her video Teaching the Right Brain Child.  You will learn a lot!

An interesting fact she shared was that 50% are left brain dominant and 50% are right brain dominant.  Not every time but very often it will skip to every other child.  If 1st child is left brain dominant, 2nd child will be right brain dominant and so on.  This was very interesting because it appears to be the case in our family.  Also, most of the time we marry the opposite of what we are (left brain, right brain).  We knew that, didn’t we? ha! ha! 🙂

Next time I’ll share with you the last class I took with Dianne on “The Biology of Behavior.”  Fantastic information she shared that I hope to convey to you as well.

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