Our Family

The Week in Review – 6/6/10

The big attraction around our place has been Sandi, which is the name Serenity chose for her new puppy.  Sandi seems to be enthralled with her new owners as well.

Is it any wonder?  She’s carried around like royalty (on this day anyways 🙂 ) on her big cushy pillow.

Once in a while the kids will even let her walk on her own.

But Sandi shows her loyalty and runs after Miss Audrey, just as fast as her little 4″ legs will carry her.

She runs and runs until Miss Audrey is convinced she must be exhausted.

So, while she rides her bike, daddy is given the charge of royal Sandi.

…just until Miss Audrey reaches her destination and then, once again, Sandi, the royal mutt, is given love and protection from all the scary things out there.

Our little Boer kid, who has no name, is now 1 month old.  He (the kid-who-has-no-name) is very strong and spends his day with his momma nursing and eating leaves off the bushes.

Got books?  We do!  8,000 more of them.  We picked them up Friday, all from one lady!  What started as a hobby for me (selling a few books online) has now turned into a full-time business for our family.  I have books everywhere.  Books in my entry, books in my library, books in my garage, books in the guest quarters.  Did I mention we have a lot of books and that they’re everywhere????  BUT, I must be sure to say that I am thankful for this business even if my house has been taken over.  One of our our online stores can be found here at Abe Books.

I’d love to hear how your week went, too.

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