Craft Corner

My New DIY Thread Rack

I’ve been wanting a thread rack – you know the thingamajig I’m talking about right?  It’s a rack that holds all your sewing thread and not only are you able to readily see what colors you have on hand, you actually have a storage area for all your thread.  I wasn’t really sure how to make one but thanks to Sugar Bee and her Thread Rack Tutorial I was able to see that it is quite possible to make your own.

So, using some of that pink pegboard my brother-in-law gave us, I had my son…

cut it to the exact dimensions for the area in which it would hang and then spray painted it black.

I used a 1/4″ dowel and spray painted that black, as well.  I then cut it into 2″ pieces using a chop saw and then sanded and spray painted the ends.  Next I glued the pieces into the pegboard remembering to only place them every other hole.

And here it is.  A completed thread rack for about $2.00

Here it hangs next to my sewing pegboard organizer.

If you want to make one for yourself be sure to look at Sugar Bee’s tutorial.

If you want to see what others have been up to this week visit here.


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