Book Reviews,  Inspiration

The Condition for a Miracle is Difficulty…

What if you were in the middle of a severe drought and your whole livelihood depended upon the weather?  You are a farmer.  Just what crop would you grow?

This scenario that I’m relating to you really happened.  Our family just watched the video “Faith Like Potatoes” about an actual white farmer in South Africa who chose to plant potatoes during one of the worst droughts South Africa had had in years.  Farmers thought he was crazy but he placed his faith in God and rested in that.  When harvest time came, Angus Buchan goes to dig up his potatoes.  Would there be any?  Would they be little puny things?  No!  It was a bumper crop of large beautiful potatoes.

One of my favorite lines in the film is when Angus Buchan says…

“The condition for a miracle is difficulty and the condition for a great miracle is impossibility.”

Romans 8:24-25 is fitting right here.

For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?

But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.

Beautiful!  And I have nothing to add to that.

Note: I do not necessarily recommend the film Faith Like Potatoes.  Angus Buchan is a very angry man until he gives his heart to the Lord.  Therefore, there are scenes where he is drinking with his buddies.  I do not care for some of Angus’s language nor the way that his wife dresses.  The actors, with their accents, made it a bit difficult to follow along, as well.  I have not read or seen it but there is a book out of the same name that might be better.

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