Our Family

Moments That Made Our Hearts Melt

One of my reasons for blogging was to record little moments (and big) of my children. I’m just now getting to writing about Audrey (3yo) who made me smile a few months ago when I came into the room and found her with my camera. Sometimes I find the strangest pictures on the camera card. Pictures of the side of a head, a leg, a portion of the piano – multiple shots of each object.

This day when I walked in she said, “Mom! I’m going to take a smile of you.”

Another day, she brought in a bunch of parsley from the garden and presented it to me. I said, “That’s so nice.” Her reply? “That’s precious.” I just had to chuckle. Her voice inflections were too cute. “That’s preee-cious.”

Every Sunday after Sunday School, she gets a candy from the teacher. For some reason she had two yesterday. I asked her if the sucker was mine. She said, “No. You can’t have it because you might get sick.” She then went on to tell me that she wouldn’t get sick because she would eat it like this – with the wrapper around the sucker. LOL!

The majority of the time she sleeps with my husband and I. Many times she goes to sleep laying on one of our arms. Last night, while laying on my arm, she wanted to put hers under my back. I told her I was too heavy for her arm – it might hurt – but she really wanted to. We repositioned and I ended up resting on a little 8″ arm for awhile. How preee-cious.

I must mentions Justus (5yo,)too. Russell tells him frequently, “I wouldn’t trade you for all the tea in China,” and “I wouldn’t trade you for all the cows in Texas.”

One day he said to his daddy, “I wouldn’t trade you for all the tea in Texas!” Oops, not too much tea there!

Kids are adorable, precious and beautiful, and little for such a small season. Sometimes it’s so easy to get caught up in the day to day tasks and miss the little things. Make today different. Get down at their level and look them in the eye. (I’m just talking to myself here, friends.) Make today a day where we tie strings of fellowship.

One Comment

  • The Dischers

    That post was so sweet!Thanks, Elizabeth, for reminding us to take time to enjoy what (or WHO!) is important! Precious, precious moments.Beth

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