Homemaking Matters

Make Your Own Ironing Board Cover

I made my own ironing board cover! At least part of it anyways. My mom took over when I ran into a problem and since I am not very expert in sewing and was rather busy with canning some spaghetti sauce – blah, blah blah – mom being such a kind, loving and helpful person took it upon herself to bail me out. I was glad! No complaints here.

The whole process was really easy with only one snag which I’ll tell you about in a minute.

We used this tutorial from U-Blog which utilizes your old ironing board cover .

This picture shows the area we could never get quite right. At the point of the cover we could not get it to fit snugly around the ironing board. You can see it has a little too much fabric bunched up. I was concerned that it might be a hindrance in ironing but I have not noticed any issues and I’ve been ironing plenty.

My old ironing board cover had a neat feature. The sides were pulled together by a velcro strap so I never had to tug on the cover to keep the frame covered. With the tutorial I used, I was able to keep this feature.

The finished product.

I don’t find sewing to be very economical. What do all you seamstresses and crafters do to bring the prices down to a more reasonable range?

Being a relative newbie on the sewing scene I found the tutorial to be easy to follow and the project to be quite simple and straightforward – except for that one glitch I mentioned.

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