
Embracing Our Calling

We had a lovely Christmas spent with family; now the new year is here at our doorstep.  Will this year be any different than previous years?  As William Branham said, "Let’s not make resolutions. Let’s ask for mercy and grace" and as Ann V at Holy Experience says,"Without the Babe who came to the barn, who didn’t hesitate to meet us in the rotting mess of our sin, the new year would only be a rehashing of the old year."

I feel so inspired by two resources I purchased recently.  The DVD Return of the Daughters and the book Passionate Housewives Desperate for God.

At first I wasn’t going to purchase Passionate Housewives Desperate for God because I thought, "I’m content at home.  I’m not looking for fulfillment elseware."  But since I had a gift certificate I needed to use, I decided to go ahead and purchase the book. 

I’m glad I did.  It has been so encouraging and inspiring.  I am renewed in my calling as a housewife and that’s exactly what it is, a calling and mandate.  God has called us to be mothers and keepers at home.  If I do my work as unto the Lord, He can bless me in it.  Why do I grumble, complain and hope someone else will do it for me?  It’s because I have lost my vision.

This book has given me new encouragement and renewed vision.  Everyone would like to do great things for God.  Unlike our husbands, we do not have to wonder what God wants us to do for Him.  He’s lain it out in Scriptures.  We are doing great things when we obey his Word, even if it’s changing a diaper.

The other material I am so fired up about is Return of the Daughters a DVD put together by the Botkin sisters.  In this video they have talked to many different fathers and daughters about their role in the family.  Instead of these girls going to college and getting a job out in the workplace, their fathers have encouraged them to use their gifts in the home.

One man has a contracting business where he builds custom homes.  His daughter does all the interior decorating, choosing the wall color, flooring, appliances and furnishings.  Another man, whose daughter is a gifted pianist and had plans to go to university to follow that vocation, has instead chosen to stay at home and be her father’s research assistant as he writes his books.  These girls do not feel repressed.  They feel they’re exactly where God would have them.  Then the Botkin sisters interview daughters whose fathers may not own their own business and show how they can be a blessing in their home, community and church.

After seeing this, I was so excited that I had a girl.  What fun we are going to have together as I encourage her to embrace her God-given role. 

The other video series I have already mentioned before, Financial Peace by Jim Sammons.  If you have an opportunity to watch these DVD’s I highly recommend it.

My prayer as I go into the new year is that God will help me to keep my eyes upon Him and what He’s called me to do.  May I be an example to my children, conducting myself with joy in whatever He sets before me.

Wishing you a blessed new year this 2008.


  • kellieann

    Hmmm…interesting finds. My dd is 11, and I wholly admit that I am confused about her future. I was not raised at all like we are trying to raise her, so I find myself in new, strange territory sometimes as she grows and matures. Thanks for mentioning those titles!

  • EagleHeights

    You are SUCH an inspiration and encouragement to me. I thank the Lord for you. I'm also absolutely amazed at how much we are on the same wave length, so to speak. Day before yesterday, I was having a discussion with my eldest daughter. I had given her a job that I knew she wasn't going to like, but needed to get done anyway. Before she even had a chance to have a reaction, I shared with her something I went through that morning. The kitchen has been somewhat a…. battle for me. I was grumbling in my spirit that it seems like no sooner do I get the kitchen nice and clean, then it's time to make another meal – thus messing it up again. That's when the Lord started dealing with me. I know that my place is in the kitchen…. "Then Lord, can you help me love that part of my job?" Remember the card I gave out? The one that I have stuck to my wall where I can see it everyday that says: "To be happy, don't do whatever you like, LIKE what ever you DO. The lights came on. The Lord was encouraging me.

    Another thing that happened recently… Lyddie had an opportunity to work at the little sandwhich shop I had said – pretty recent – that I would let her work at. Well, the Lord put me to the test. The job was offered to her. I immediately said YES! Then…. after a few uncomfortable pricks, I began to realize that I hadn't even asked the Lord's will in this matter. But the more I thought about it, the more I knew this was NOT His will. It started making me have a sick feeling thinking of her working out of the home, so young, with unbelievers, piped into rock music all day, and …. away from us. I remembered when I first started working in a restaurant and how it changed me. This is not what I want for her. There is so much more to this, but I'm starting to write a book here.

    Thank you for being you… You're so much loved here.

    God bless you,

    Love, joane

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