Our Family

A New Niece


Baby’s First Day

Wonder of all wonderment!
Momentous moment when small form
First feels life in itself.
When new eyes open wide
On old, old world.
When tiny hands handle air;
Touch tenderness and love.
When ears first wake to sound
And silent lips find voice and food.
Soon newly wakened baby wearies.
World will keep.
Being born is quite enough
For one short day.
Baby hands rest;
Baby mouth yawns;
Baby eyes close in sleep.


(Poem by Mary Dawson Hughes)

 I’m here in Pennsylvania helping out my sister who just had a little baby girl.  The night I was at home packing to fly here, along with Serenity and Audrey, my sister called and said she was headed for the hospital.  I missed the birth by 12 hours! 

We’re SO thankful for the good delivery my sister had and that Bethany Lael was born healthy at 7 pounds, 19 3/4 inches.

My Audrey (16 months) doesn’t look very little when compared to Bethany.

Today I took my sister and the baby to the doctor’s to have the baby checked.  I carried the baby into the office so the nurse was unsure just who had delivered the baby.  When she asked me a question I told her my sister was the mother.  She said she wasn’t sure who was the mom since we both looked a little sleep deprived.  I had to get up at 2:30a.m. Tuesday morning to catch my flight but that was two days ago!  My sister has a excuse but me…???     

Hello to my family at home. 




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