• Lessons from a Termite & How to Eat a Frog

    Did you know that in 1 year, more damage is caused by the lowly termite than hurricanes, floods, fires, earthquakes and tornadoes combined? This seems inconceivable but it’s a proven fact. How do these small insects do it? By taking one bite at a time. Have you heard of the book Eat that Frog by Brian Tracy? The book is based on the thought that if the very first thing you do each morning is to eat a live frog, nothing worse can happen the rest of the day. Ugh, yeah, I could probably agree with that. Take a look at your To-do List.  What on there is the very worst thing that you really…

  • From Spaghetti Sauce to Lasagna to 28 Quarts of Sauce

     I have always enjoyed cooking and planning parties, so being asked to cater a friends wedding was a treat.  Cooking for 70-100 is something I have done so frequently that I’m very comfortable with it but the latest count for this wedding reception is 260.  Oh, dear. 🙂 Heather wanted to have Italian, and when I first heard that I thought “Oh, that will be easy, no problem.”  What I had not counted on was the fact that the reception hall has only 1 oven.    Just how was I going to juggle cooking that many lasagnas in one oven?  Fortunately, that has all been worked out – we have a friend that owns…

  • Getting Organized with Schedules – Part 2

    After I made my 12 week schedule for our Middle Ages unit study (see this post – Keeping Organized with Schedules – Part 1), I then did another spreadsheet that shows me what we should be doing at what time.  I put the times in to help keep me on track.  You could also do a schedule that showed general blocks of time, for instance:  8:30-12:00a.m. Unit Study, 1:00-3:00p.m. Independent Study. As I said, I did mine with specific times for each part of our unit study to help me to be able to just move from one thing to another without having to put any thought into what is next on the agenda. On my…

  • Keeping Organized with Schedules – Part 1

    I cannot function very well without a schedule.  Oh, I manage to squeak by but inside I feel like I have nothing together.  I do whatever task or distraction is at hand rather than doing what may be a higher priority.  By the end of the day when I look back on what I have accomplished it amounts to very little.  Did I do a load of  laundry?  Yes, but somehow I never did find the time to put it in the dryer, never-mind it being folded.  The baskets start to overflow and the ironing piles up.  The family eats well (most days) but what about the dishes that need to be hand-washed? …

  • Keeping Organized with Schedules – Part 1

    I cannot function very well without a schedule.  Oh, I manage to squeak by but inside I feel like I have nothing together.  I do whatever task or distraction is at hand rather than doing what may be a higher priority.  By the end of the day when I look back on what I have accomplished it amounts to very little.  Did I do a load of  laundry?  Yes, but somehow I never did find the time to put it in the dryer, never-mind it being folded.  The baskets start to overflow and the ironing piles up.  The family eats well (most days) but what about the dishes that need to be hand-washed? …