• Flash Flooding After the Goodwin Fire

    Well I hope this post doesn’t bore you but I thought I’d let you see some photos and video footage of flash flooding in Arizona. The volume of water in this particular flash flood is specifically due to the Goodwin Fire. In Arizona, because of the scarcity of rain we love our monsoon season with its thunderstorms and the moisture it brings that waters the earth and greens everything up for a season. It brings the temperatures down and just feels so refreshing. Wednesday we had an epic monsoon storm. Without much warning (no sprinkling at all), the sky just let loose and didn’t stop for about 30 minutes. Since…

  • C is for Cat

    For the A B See Photo Meme, I’m approaching it this way: my children will use this for their nature study. Each one has their own letter from the alphabet (starting at A) and they are to find something in nature that corresponds with that letter. They take a photo of it and place it in their Nature Study journal, as well as writing a few facts about it. Serenity (11) had the letter C this week. She is really enjoying taking the camera and going outside to see what she can find. She’s giving her best effort. I think the information below came from Handbook of Nature Study. C…

  • B is for Bush

    Scrub Oak Cyphomardra Betacea Scrub Oak, as it is commonly called, is a very resilient and tough bush. It is to be found all over our valley. It produces acorns which are not quite the same size as a large oak tree would produce. They have acorns that are bitter and have a certain amount of toxicity. So be safe when you eat acorns. Remember, "Safety first." Picture & Entry written by Zachary (16 year old) *For the A B See Photo Meme, I’m approaching it this way: my children will use this for their nature study. Each one has their own letter from the alphabet (starting at A) and…

  • A is for Alligator Bark Juniper

    A is for Alligator Bark Juniper For the A B See Photo Meme, I’m approaching it this way: my children will use this for their nature study. Each one has their own letter from the alphabet (starting at A) and they are to find something in nature that corresponds with that letter. They take a photo of it and place it in their Nature Study journal, as well as writing a few facts about it. This week’s photo was taken by Wesley, my 13 year old son. Alligator Bark Juniper Juniperus Deppeana Steud The alligator bark juniper, called so because its bark resembles alligator skin. It is only found in…

  • Waters Alive With Movement

    My son found a thread-like worm moving in a mud puddle the other day.  When he brought it home I thought he had a piece of black wire or something similar in his hand but THEN I SAW IT WRITHING.  It just constantly writhed back and forth.  We put it in a jar with water to observe it some more (even though I’m completely repulsed by it, I just had to keep watching it).  We found out it is a Gordian Worm or it’s also known as a Horsehair Worm since it looks like a piece of hair from a horse.  They are parasites that can live inside an insect and you find…