• Short Entries & Ordering Our Priorities

    I would really like to come up with some great entry that would make all who read it think a little deeper but I just don’t see it happening.  So I apologize if you stop in hoping to hear a little something more then that I baked banana bread this week but trying to keep a house, homeschool and run a small online book business keeps me and my mind maxed out.  I’m barely able to have a moment of quiet to even write a post. And if ye be a wonderin’, yes,  I do make time for devotions.  Since there’s not too many quiet moments that’s why you may see a…

  • Menu Plan Monday

    I haven’t been planning my meals lately and I find by not doing so it just complicates the whole dinner process.  Five o’clock hits and you realize that what you thought you would serve really isn’t enough food for 8 people – 3 of them growing boys.  So, I’m back to planning.  I’m sure my kids will be grateful. It’s not always convenient for me to participate in Menu Plan Monday since I may not have time to write things down on Sunday evening or Monday morning.  So on those weeks just have pity on my poor family. But this week they get to eat. Monday Breakfast – Eggs &…

  • Blunder Decorating

    A great decorator I’m not.  My latest blunder was made after I saw a picture in Martha Stewart’s Living magazine of lightly colored eggs sitting on raffia to announce the arrival of Spring.  Then there was all those gals over at Southern Hospitality blog who had so many creative ideas for Spring.  They were all so inspiring I got to thinking I could do it too.  I was so excited to do something a little different. First, I boiled my eggs.  Then I dyed them.  Now, how much green to put in the water/vinegar mix?  I decided to squeeze quite a few drops. I dipped the eggs in, one at…

  • Tackle it Tuesday #142

      An old trunk. What treasure? What heirloom could it be holding? Oh, I must find out! Aggghhh! What is this MESS?! A game trunk that needs Organization. It happened one evening my little ones and some other small visitors had a lot of [choke, choke] fun seeing how many games they could pull out. Havoc was wreaked. This has nagged me for weeks but I determined to tackle it this week. I bought a few plastic storage containers. Two big ones that will store 2 or 3 games each (depending on the size) and a smaller shoe box size one to hold card games. My thinking is that if…

  • Tackle It Tuesday #141

      My tackle this week was to get some bulk cooking done for different guests we have coming to visit. Who wouldn’t want to visit Arizona with all the sunshine and nice temperatures we have in the winter? I decided to make lasagna. First, I had to make the sauce. Lots of onions and garlic. Good stuff. I tried a new sauce that called for fresh and canned tomatoes. After the simmering process, I then put it through the blender to puree. Twelve pounds of ricotta was used as well as mozzarella and Parmesan. Whoa! That’s a lot of cheese! The finished products. Enough lasagna to feed at least 45…