• My Family, My Valentine’s

    It’s been Valentine’s week for us. Like last year, we’re running a little late but we just have to roll with that sometimes, right? Life is not served up to us in neat tidy boxes but is constantly changing and arriving on our doorstep in all different shapes and sizes. For those of us who like structure and routine, it can be disconcerting but we don’t ever want to become so set in our ways that we can’t enjoy what is happening at the moment. The first day I put salt n vinegar chips (a family favorite) in all their mailboxes with the caption on their bag of “You Make…

  • Christmas 2015

    Happy New Year! 2015 is here already. It sure did come along fast! We had an amazing holiday with family. Twenty-nine of us were gathered here at the ranch for 5 days. No, my house isn’t a mansion but when you have people willing to be stuck into every nook and cranny, it works. Russell and I spent our time in the laundry room and I had a sister and her husband stay in our new pantry. Headspace at night for them was a little low (they were partially under the bottom shelves) but they had a little heater in there along with a small lamp and it actually looked…

  • When Armistice Day Became Veteran’s Day

    November 11, 1918 the Treaty of Versailles was signed at the Palace of Versailles in France ending World War I. The war ended on the eleventh day of the eleventh month at the eleventh hour (11 a.m.). In honor of the agreement signed, Armistice Day was established and celebrated each year. Woodrow Wilson, the president during World War I, said this when establishing Armistice Day. “To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity…

  • Remember Our Lord’s Death, Burial & Resurrection.

    I hope you’re having a lovely weekend. It’s certainly a time for reflection as we think about the price our precious Lord Jesus paid for us but then it is also a time to rejoice in that …their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. Hebrews 10:17   For several years we’ve had a tradition of making Resurrection Cookies with my two youngest ones. Since I’m all the way in Illinois with Audrey, seeing my parents this year over the Easter holiday, I went ahead and did it with just her. Faithful Provisions has the instructions if you want to make your own. Beating the nuts which represents the beating Jesus took. Audrey…

  • Valentine’s Day Celebrated Any Time is Sweet

    We celebrated Valentine’s a week late. Hey, hey, I had a good reason. Since we had company all week it was virtually impossible to try and have it then. Valentine’s Day has become a tradition around here.  You can see what we’ve done over the years – 2009,  2012, and 2013 was the year we added mailboxes and little gifts to our celebration, and here’s one more post on our 2013 celebration. This year the kids started wondering why we hadn’t had our Valentine’s Day. I told them we’d do it the next week and they were happy about that. That makes me glad knowing they like something enough to…