Gatherings,  Our Family

Wedding Elegance in a Rustic Setting – Part I

The morning of the wedding dawned with all the hustle and bustle of things that could only be done last minute but as I mentioned in this post Serenity and I were staying downstairs together, so we shared a very special moment that morning when I gave her a little note from me along with a bracelet that said “Faith”.

We then hurried to the field to do some set-up. One funny story that happened was the table that we had painted (you can see the girls working on it here) was set up the day before in the field and crazily enough a swarm of bees had taken up residence in there. Our son had taken the table and placed it upside down in the bushes, removed the drawers and generally tried to get the bees to move on. kkkkkkkkkk

There came a time where we had to go get ourselves ready. Serenity had thoughtfully purchased gifts for everyone in her wedding party as well as me and Austin’s mother. She wrote me the most precious note and once again I was in tears as I had been so many times when I contemplated the change that was coming to our family.

I had asked a friend to be my own personal hairdresser and boy did she have to go through it. She worked on my hair for quite a while but then I finally told her I didn’t like it and she was so calm, cool and collected about it and worked and worked with me tell I was happy. She’s the absolute best and I think it’s one of the best decisions I’ve made is having her as my hair stylist. Two weddings now!

Our friend designed the invitations and she put in one very unique and special touch….
An exact replica of the boat Serenity received her wedding proposal disguised as a leaf on the invitation.
This is a picture of the actual night Austin proposed to Serenity and the boat that was replicated in the invitations.
Serenity has always had a particular fondness for her grandmother and had told her that she wanted to wear her tiara that she had worn on her wedding day 60 years prior. It was a bit of a challenge to use it but I’m so glad she was able to incorporate it on her special day.

Leading up to the wedding site, our guests had to take a 2 mile dirt road. To help keep our guests from feeling like they were lost, I had made signs that we placed along the way so they would know they weren’t completely lost.

I don’t have pictures of all the signs going up the road. This is when I was working on them at my friends house.

I had so much fun making these signs.

Finally everything was was ready to go. One thing I must remember is some people like to show up early! It’s good to be done early enough so they don’t see all the work going on.

My friend helped make some amazing signs!
Guest book table
Date night ideas & advice table (You can tell this picture was not taken by the professional photographer. haha)
Family Tree ladder that we built out of scrap wood
Our granddaughter, Shalom.
Refreshments of popcorn and water were served up from here after the wedding ceremony.
And the wedding began with the cannon salute!

Part II coming….


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