
Going to Youth Camp – An Annual Event – Part I

Believers Youth Camp in July.  It’s a favorite time of year for all of us and Russell and I are privileged to be a part of it because we go as workers and since we drive a van load of young people.

Even though this trip was right in the middle of all the commotion of the Goodwin Fire, we could not disappoint the kids but had to get them to camp.

All these young people were not in one van but two vehicles although we would be willing to try to all get in one!


Because of the forest fire, we left a day later and left in the late evening on top of that. Poor, poor Russell. He was so tired after working around here during and after the forest fire and then he had a 30+ hour drive to make on top of that. He had to do all the driving because we had a rental van but he did let Wes drive a few hours in the night because he just couldn’t do it. After that, he drove the entire distance. I don’t know how he does it.

For breakfast we stopped at a nice park in New Mexico or Texas – I’m not really sure!
It was a place to stretch our legs and have a little break from the van in which we had traveled through the night.
Then it was time to hit the road again.
We were in a contest with the black Sequoia to see who could get the most honks. A friendly game… but then we saw this sign they had written in their window!
…and we got serious.
After driving 24 hours, we stayed overnight at a hotel to get some rest in a horizontal position.
The next morning it was time to load the many bags.
My lovely nieces.
We arrived at camp safely and with no mishaps along the way, like running out of gas(!) but
I felt behind all week. Arriving at camp a day later threw me off completely.
The snack bar was a busy place once again.
Love seeing familiar faces…
…and working with wonderful people.
Andrew… like an adopted son. He’s pretty special.
Awww, these little fellows. They were so earnest in their help. They were the runners and did they ever do an awesome job. Seriously, we couldn’t have functioned near as well without them popping in in the evenings.  That little fellow on the far left was fantastic. He could actually multi-task. Wow! I hope he comes back next year to help.
Girl time!
My brother-in-law spoke to the 10-14 year old’s every morning. I only made it to one of his meetings but I know they were good. He does a great job of reaching the kids and teaching them important spiritual truths that are perfect for them at this stage in life.
Here he was talking to the kids about the wolf nature versus the lamb’s nature.
A little volleyball fun. They even let me play on their team.
Where was I when this was going on? I should have been in the line-up!
Indoor volleyball
Some of our Arizona Castle Keeper girls and long-distance members met up and wore our club shirt one day.
“Bloom where you are planted.”
Pilgrim Progress Skit – Justus was Christian & Wesley was Mr. Worldly-Wise.
My handsome nephew.
Treat time again – lining up at the Snack Bar. Business was always good. haha
Castle Keeper girl, Leah, on the far left, got all the kids involved in her dorm and bought her counselors flowers, lotion and a sweet card. (The other two girls are not her counselors in case you were wondering but were there to help her carry the stash.)
Some of our besties. Love being able to be a part of camp together.
The volunteer kitchen crew has a tradition of singing a song every year.

So it’s kind of a game for the kids to sneak out at night. The night guards are pretty easy with it and it’s all done in fun. When they’re caught they are put to work cleaning up the camp…
… which is great. Otherwise the night guards do the cleaning themselves!
It was on the very last evening that Russell injured himself playing volleyball. Another boy’s foot came across the imaginary line under the net and when my husband landed, after trying to spike the ball, he came down on the boy’s foot and rolled his own.
It’s been over 2 weeks and he is experiencing pain with it. He’s finally consented and is going to see a doctor today.
Another great year and already looking forward to BYC 2018!
Part II of our trip to come…







  • Lucille

    Thoroughly enjoyed working with you all this year, Elisabeth. It made it all the more fun knowing we were greatly replaced and not needed in the normal duties of kitchen that we normally did. Glad we got in some visits and so thankful for all of the Lord’s goodness to you all.

    Glad to hear Russell is consenting to having his foot looked at and hope it can get back to normal soon as we all know he doesn’t let any grass grow under his feet and is always giving his all for the benefit and blessing to others. God bless you all…can’t wait till we can meet up again or somewhere. 🙂

  • Mary

    Missed being in the snack bar with you but it was good to see you, even if only for a short time. Praying you can get a little rest after all the busyness lately and that nothing too serious with Russell’s ankle

  • Valeria

    It was an honor meeting you Sister Elisabeth and your amazing family!! I cannot wait for next year! You are such an amazing, sweet, caring, and godly sister!! I really hope to get to speak to you again and play some more volleyball….because after all, we ARE the winning team (in spirit!)!!

    • Elisabeth

      I’m looking forward to next BYC too! I loved meeting you as well. You are a ray of sunshine wherever you go, I think. You know how to lighten up a room. 🙂 Keep those volleyball skills practiced up and maybe we can get in a game next year. Cheers for the winning team!!(in spirit haha)

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