
How to Lose Your Insecurities

Complexes and insecurities. They seem to rule so many of us and young people feel it the most. Name-brand clothing, new clothing, the latest hairstyles, glasses, anything that’s deemed “cool” are all things we feel we need if we don’t want to feel inadequate.

But if we could only realize that these things are only a very small part of what makes up a person. Those things have no lasting value and fade so quickly from people’s memories, beside the pressure of always keeping it up, putting us in a never-ending cycle of trying to become acceptable to others, popular or admired.

Each and every one of us has a unique position that only we can fill. I Corinthians 12 talks about the different parts of the body and how the foot might say, “Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body. Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body,” and so on. We can see this and realize how these different parts of our body have their own functions and are very needed. We wouldn’t want to do without them.

The same with each of you. You are special. You are needed in this great big family of God. You have a unique part that only you can play and not one other person can take it. God has something for you to do and he gives you the privilege of doing it but if you refuse because you are held back from self-doubt you will miss the blessing of doing something and being used of God.

Think about your life and the things you like to do. Is there something you are really good at, that you enjoy doing? Do you have a gift that others appreciate in you that you could use to bless others?

Anything that you enjoy doing or do well can be used to brighten another’s day. Think of how you could use that to bring joy and encouragement to others and just do it. If you think you don’t do anything well, reject that thought because that kind of thinking does not inspire nor does it help you to grow. Fight past the barriers and the self-doubting and make plans to reach out. Maybe it will be connecting with another who is shy, babysitting for the tired mother, soup for a sick person, a little handmade gift to show someone you care about them. All these acts are giving of yourself and will not only be an encouragement to others, it will come back to you and you will be encouraged.

…he that watereth shall be watered also himself. –Proverbs 11:25

Doing something for others brings its own kind of joy. As you are reaching out to others, seeking to bless them, your self-doubts and insecurities begin to dissolve because you realize you do have something to do. You are important. Nobody else can take your place.

Man cannot order yourself to a place. God must order your place. Don’t forget that. God orders you to your place, and he must not (never) try to take another one’s place. Don’t try to be something that you’re not. –William Branham


The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. –Mahatma Ghandi

What are some things you do or have done to bless others?


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