Our Family

An Award for Gaining Weight Quickly

Having a steer as a 4-H project is more time consuming and intimidating than any other livestock project but Serenity wanted to give it a try at least for 1 year.

Sir Kendrick was a sweetheart weighing only 750 pounds when he arrived here at the farm last February.

He was very sociable and if he heard us outside he would push the top half of his barn door open so he could see us. One time I heard all this noise and wondered what it could be. It was just Sir Kendrick bellowing because he could hear us all in the backyard.

4-H steer treasuring the moments.net

To get him ready for the show he had to be clipped which meant he had to have a good bath first.

4-H steer treasuring the moments.net

He did not like the sound of the clippers… at all! But after quite a long time, he adjusted.

4-H steer treasuring the moments.net

The next day it was time to leave for EXPO (the 4-H show and sale).

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And when they took him in he weighed a whopping 1450 pounds!

4-H steer treasuring the moments.net

Oh the attention these animals get! Sir Kendrick had 3 baths in the 4 days we were there.

4-H steer treasuring the moments.net

After each bath he had to be blow dried so his hair would stand up.

4-H steer treasuring the moments.net

Just look at this sweet face.

4-H steer treasuring the moments.net

It’s always nice when family and friends come and join in the fun of EXPO.

treasuring the moments.net

Sir Kendrick, as sweet as he was to us, didn’t impress the judge as much as some of the other steers but he did do great in one area. He won Best Rate of Gain which means he was able to convert his food into weight gain. This is desirable and is something that cattle producers monitor because it means that it takes less time for them to grow their cattle and have them ready for market.

Sir Kendrick’s rate of gain was 3.25 pounds per day.

4-H steer treasuring the moments.net

And if any of my children read this post, please remember that “Best Rate of Gain” is not an award I hope to ever win. Just an FYI. 🙂

Proud of you, Serenity. You did a wonderful job raising and showing Sir Kendrick!

4-H steer treasuring the moments.net


One Comment

  • carol wagner

    Aww, Sir Kendrick is so cute!!! That’s a rate of weight gain I would NOT want either!! HA!! Congratulations, Serinity!

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