Remember Our Lord’s Death, Burial & Resurrection.
I hope you’re having a lovely weekend. It’s certainly a time for reflection as we think about the price our precious Lord Jesus paid for us but then it is also a time to rejoice in that
…their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. Hebrews 10:17
For several years we’ve had a tradition of making Resurrection Cookies with my two youngest ones. Since I’m all the way in Illinois with Audrey, seeing my parents this year over the Easter holiday, I went ahead and did it with just her.
Faithful Provisions has the instructions if you want to make your own.
Beating the nuts which represents the beating Jesus took.
Audrey definitely did not like the taste of vinegar (representing the vinegar given to Jesus on a sponge)
The color white represents our sins once we have been cleansed by the blood of Jesus (Isaiah 1:18) and the mounds represent the rocky tomb that Jesus was laid in.
…He was great in His death. But men can die, but there never was a man who could raise from the dead but Him. And there is where our hopes lays this morning in the resurrection of our Lord. —William Branham
Placing the cookies into the “tomb” (oven) until Sunday.