Our Family

“If You Seek a Pleasant Peninsula, Look About You” is Michigan’s Motto — And That’s What He Did

Austin took a look about him and fell in love.

There were tears, joy, plenty of laughter and thankfulness to God this past week. My nephew Austin married the light of his life, his other half, the heartbeat of his heart.

Austin & Claire are now married and what a happy joyous occasion it was.

But back to when we arrived.

Not wanting to miss a single possible moment with friends, Because we were on the budget flight using our frequent flyer miles we flew out to Michigan on the red-eye flight landing at the daylight hour of 6:30a.m.  Uh, although we dearly love our friends we really would have liked a more sane flight schedule and even though our friends happily picked us up, I’m sure they would have been even happier if we had had a more normal landing hour.

These two were our taxi drivers and hosts. Gems, these two.


The day of our arrival our hosts, who are lovers of hospitality, opened their doors to family and friends.  There we started to meet up with other family members as we headed into the weekend.


Andrew, the one who starred in Wallace Ranch Homeland Security, and the brave adventurer who went on a camping trip with the boys and partook of such delicacies as rattlesnake, squirrel and pine needle stew spent a lot of time visiting with everyone.  He’s dear to our family!



The day of the rehearsal we decided we really should make ourselves useful, so we headed down to the reception hall to see what possible assistance we could lend before the actual rehearsal and dinner. (I’m never late for food. 🙂 )

My decorating partner was very creative with the extra pieces of tape she needed.



I loved the simple, white theme with light touches of pink that they did.  The plates looked like china but were not. Very attractive.

wedding reception


After rehearsal it was time to head for The Common Grill which is located in Chelsea, Michigan, the cutest little town.

the common grill chelsea, MI

With all our children growing up, we foresee many weddings in the future.  My sister figures her vacations for the next 15 years are all going to be centered around the next wedding. 🙂  Could be, could be.


Our dinner companions.


I enjoyed my meal thoroughly.  Nooo, both these plates weren’t mine… just the one on the left. 🙂

 the common grill, chelsea, mi

It was Austin’s last night as a single man, so we had to get some shots of that moment.

Austin & his sister, Hadassah…


….with his brother Enoch, while the snow gently floated down.


It was a lovely evening and we all went to bed with thoughts of the morrow when Austin & Claire would make their pledge and vows one to another.

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 Part II still to come.

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